Markets Turn on a Dime


“The Trend is Your Friend”

So “Trend Traders” please help me understand:should we be buying or selling E-mini

SP today? Ten Cent Trading: “Markets turn on a dime,

most traders don’t; that’s why they lose.”


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Head Fakes

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.

-Groucho Marx


Take note we made higher high and higher low on daily today #EMWS

2:15 E we need a bounce by eod but this is damaging many trapped longs now
3:14 E 62 was violation #EMWS
3:40 E Day is designed to close positive, If went below 22 then I would think doji
mid target 42 for close

Un pay not pal forgets they have competition Tony

So “Trend Traders” please help me understand: should we be buying or selling E-mini SP today ? Ten Cent Trading: “Markets turn on a dime, most traders don’t; that’s why they lose.” @JeffCooperLive

12:37 E it seems like will never end then chops ib. then break down and each time u think target achieved short there’s another low.

12:38 E now i believe this afternoon bounces will get hit #EMWS

12:27 E Then comes wrecking ball from 60 chart 12:32 XXX Sorry for the dumb questions what’s the wrecking ball represent? 12:36 E it represents a huge run overnight then comes crashing back thru everyone’s expected support levels

Sharp bounces in corrective markets usually rollover, this one did it fast

1:42 E low will go to test 25 maybe all stops down 22 support also needs to hold
amazing reversal but technically not until low goes Larry Williams used to call this an “oops” trade #EMWS

9:44 E 2675.25 year open testing I prefer to use natural numbers rather than artificial indicators

Referring to your Question “Is that a stone?” market certainly acted as if this was a “stone” trade #EMWS Always an opportunity

Strange Days #EMWS The Generals said no, better odds back and fill. When they talk, I listen

11:35 E no real support until 2635 12:19 PME and now 32 trailer payday if have one
31.25 angel #EMWS

Boyz favorite game is in Play. Screw shorty, then screw Late to the party Long Charlie. Somewhere in between is the truth. #EMWS 52 was prior resistance so shorts need to be paid for sure 52/53

11:03 E “We don’t need the exact address, just the right Zip code” Bingo 54’s

9:37 E what are u thinking? almost +100 and +30 over yest hi trapped shorts can be squeezed higher but ultimately need some profit taking so look for a range set up 10:00 E half gap 58.25 to 56.25 as todays likely support needs to hold predictive model if no new high then 54.25

9:16 E avoid trouble, look for buying a pb and drop if wrong 62/65 agg support.
9:42 E find a trade that u like or dont trade, short side better odds ultimately for small pb must take out 62.25 or uh – oh

8:57 AM E 2674.25 demon and angel 2631.25. this is mirror move monster bounce, day 2 of rally and matd in progress. if we take out today low, very bad
i dont expect that. 2662.25 agg squeeze pivot high for day not in yet #EMWS actionable ideas and opportunity

Hindsight is so easy isn’t it? Can get it right at least 50% of the time we wanted paid by 75 premarket but dont think high is in yet. shorts need to be squeezed until eyeballs pop

Yesterday 9:55 AM E and this is not a mirror to last week unless we take out the high 7:21 AM E hi all rocket fuel in santas sleigh target 68 to 72 and any day high available. 75 resistance #EMWS Next? MATD in progress

looks like it, we use one too when making home made ahbeeeetz

Yummy 😋

How about down since 2947 then up? Back above 2603 and squeeze was on confirmed above 2622 /25 . Mirror to last week’s open but that’s too simple an explanation for talking heads

George, sidelined with broken finger on his shooting hand. He’s done. It’s all about confidence

Pepperoni pie , yum!

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