Punching Back

The best Defense is a good Offense


Human beings, viewed as behaving systems, are quite simple.

The apparent complexity of our behavior over time is largely a reflection

of the complexity of the environment in which we find ourselves.

-Herbert A. Simon

Proprietary Day Trading System & Strategies for Serious Traders

Watch for news about E’s Next Live Trading Room Opportunities beginning in the New Year

The focus is on finding low-risk, high odds trade ideas

for the E-mini S and P.

The E-widget

The Emini wizard System offers an array of unique strategies, insights and plays for new traders and Professionals. Ready to take your game up a notch? Try the E-widget and watch your charts come alive with simplicity.

Distributed Ledgers

A distributed ledger is basically a shared database

that allows institutions to directly send and receive money

in a trustworthy fashion without a middleman.

As a result, we have the capacity to connect the world’s payment systems

for the first time.That’s a big deal.

– Chris Larsen


Thank You!

First off I sincerely thank you for opening up the room and sharing your wisdom (aka you & Zeek’s wizardry 😊).

Learning about IB, GCF, etc, these are terms I never heard until being your room.

I know thats part of the process but you would think after a year or so you would hear terms such as those…

i guess I was in the wrong rooms. -J.S 12/17/2018

Today’s Ideas

4:03 E always opportunity ow.ly/KVce30n2jFA #EMWS

3:56 E stop 62 anyone wants to nibble short for eod longs profit taking
4: 00 E paid by 45 /48 if short #EMWS

3:16 E better odds for long 3:34 E and retest is 52/54 #EMWS

3:11 E take stop on balance and try one more time using 45 resistance or just sideline 3:12 E protect profits time #EMWS

3: 06 E stop 42 for short #EMWS

2:53 E try 1 more short today if gutsy 2:59 E 34.5 is t3 and t4 is 2528.5 db first, then maybe eod break for 29 test #EMWS cat and mouse all day until afternoon blink

2:42 E target 48/46 if lucky #EMWS trailer for 41/42, 40.5 t2 Longs lost their edge when they lost 65

9:17 and narrow range overnight, so can take out both sides #EMWS “just to break chops”

2:22 E divergence with nq needs to be reconciled our plan for range trade has worked so far. time for a blink keep profits if any desc triangle perhaps on 60needs more time. yesterday stolen range idea plays out using 65/62 as must hold for taking out today’s low #EMWS

Yesterday 11:46 PM E 52 support for now good night ow.ly/ul0530n2eSp stubborn consolidation pivot #EMWS

12:29 E program trade, need a third time thru later if its going to happen
1:14 E stagnant 62 support 82 resistance 12:22 E if long or want to get long using 65 agg support 1:46 E still range, 65 taken out, shorts obviously paid 65/62 now the dog fight ow.ly/ObmE30n2dMq

9:20 E plenty of time. targets 82 to 88 today by eod so that is my resistance. 52 support until broken. aggressive resistance 78 using idea that 78/82 broke so resist right now #EMWS 12:27 E 75 is demon so payday and then this afternoon we see what Boyz have in mind

celebrate each small victory and stay humble #EMWS If short pfs by 55 Angel/ gap and go home ow.ly/NoeN30n25UF

consolidating for now ow.ly/ncjr30n23EB two way day expected #EMWS 9:18 E get to 62 during ib will be a gift // this type environment we will leave chips on the table, just part of the game

Egregious nature yesterday has us looking for hit and run, trend trades preferred 10:00 E if long reminder yest was killer short day, need to think hit and run. shorts can undo an hour of gains by longs in ten minutes #EMWS op ex/ fomc etc many reasons to be conservative today

9:23 E aggressive resistance 78 9:29 E and matd is trade idea for shorts as scalp with yest trend 9:37 E get to 65/62.5 i think miracle, may need two or three tries
10:44 Zeek hgap near 10:44 E yes 63 lock anywhere near then good fortune on trailer, matd winner #EMWS

7:43 E should be paid long by 72/75 first time back #EMWS hit and run and find one good trade if we can today

PS I noted some divergence with NQ today, that may be a tell #EMWS

3:50 E 33.75 hit, 29 low is key stops below 2612 resistance pivot, many below it. 72 resistance, this is profit taking 55 agg resist bye for now 4:50 E 55 agg resist hit that was fast lol #EMWS let’s see how far they bounce it overnight. gn all.

It’s all about the green Matt

Latest Post: Day Trading the Rotations ow.ly/Okcs30n1sJO #EMWS

Angels and Demons

The Professional Edge

#EMWS Trading Room