The Rising Tide Lifts all Boats

Pay attention to Support in Uptrends

The E-widget

The Emini wizard System offers an array of unique strategies, insights and plays for new traders and Professionals. Ready to take your game up a notch? Try the E-widget and watch your charts come alive with simplicity.


“You control your future, your destiny.

What you think about comes about.

By recording your dreams and goals on paper,

you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.

Put your future in good hands – your own.

― Mark Victor Hansen

Proprietary Day Trading System & Strategies for Serious Traders

Watch for news about E’s Next Live Trading Room Opportunities beginning in the New Year

The focus is on finding low-risk, high odds trade ideas

for the E-mini S and P.

“Be a Lover of the Market, Not a Fighter”

-Ernie Roseman

Full Sea

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.

Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat.

And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

William Shakespeare



Armstrong on the collapse of America. Not yet, but seems to be trending in that direction given the political posturing on both sides of the aisle. We are Sheep. #EMWS

It’s never easy when it comes to risk, unless we are talking about hindsight. Simple, yes, easy, no.

Traffic light said go #EMWS “you will be wrong 5 x before guessing right once against this rabid dog day squeeze”

I salute all you great traders on twitter who make it look easy; it isn’t. Catch pieces of the moves when we can and manage risk #EMWS

E [2:29 PM] ok at 65.5 any shorts good for u, friday afternoon profit taking
came at lunch. can get 1 last buy today for day traders, 62 support agg , if doesnt work, just drop it. high may be in for day now #EMWS it’s a wrap, nice weekend to all

Gotta love the sound of the cheerleaders long now who were calling for the plunge yesterday morning. Fun Game: find your favorite Charlie and fade them. Just don’t tell them, it will hurt their feelings and we lose an edge.

Our OTF Model has hit it’s extreme level in the melt up. We were looking for the test of LYO 2675.25

9:19 zeek : I mention 2675.25 as potential target Monday #EMWS in melt up we ride trailers or stand aside. Monday came early. 12:16 E 76.5 is next resistance target today

10:31E xx target is 2669.75 #EMWS now using 72 to 75.25 as next resistance, Primary target is achieved, more available but advised MATD longs to capture and go play Be a lover of the market, not a fighter.

caterpillar move overnight #EMWS

He or she is no more valuable than the other 6999 Tony. “Thank you.”

Latest Post: Swan Dive #EMWS King of the Hill trade

Angels and Demons

The Professional Edge

#EMWS Trading Room