Still Climbing
Beginning of Month BiasMomentum
Screwing things up is a virtue. Being correct is never the point.
I have an almost fanatically correct assistant,
and by the time she re-spells my words and corrects my punctuation,
I can’t read what I wrote. Being right can stop all the momentum of a very interesting idea.
-Robert Rauschenberg
Proprietary Day Trading System & Strategies for Serious Traders
Watch for news about E’s Next Live Trading Room Opportunities beginning in the New Year
The focus is on finding low-risk, high odds trade ideas
for the E-mini S and P.
“The Ladder of Success is never crowded at the top.”
-Napolean Hill
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”
– Jim Rohn
False Economy
You have once again saved the cost of this Trading Room,
but The value lost and the opportunity cost cannot be calculated.
The #EMWS system can help you.
E [7:22 PM]
this room is for traders serious about getting results
it is not for traders sooooo serious they cannot relax and absorb the info
relax and just let the info soak in
ask questions
wonder what if
its ok to be serious but not ok to be too serious
that hinders performance
we have the tools, the mindset, the right ideas
just let go of all the garbage u have read and see if we cant help you integrate this into something better than you were before
Aaron [7:27 PM]
I’ve learned more from this room in the past few weeks than I have the last 9 months from a paid mentorship. I’m still learning and taking it slow, but the information is great once you start to see it in play.
Don [7:28 PM]
I Spent almost 1 yr learning how to back test and the 2 month with you I learned how to read and analyze the market
James [7:33 PM]
Team, i know some folks have been in other rooms…”i made 1 mil and you can too in 6-months”. Stop it. Yes FOMO is real but if you want to be a true professional. Learn from this room. Long-term staying power. I concur with Aaron & Don. Best room i’ve been in to learn the right way.
E [7:37 PM] thank u
Reading the Tape
Can go higher, but I liked this 2567.25 target as next milestone 12:25 E looking at 67.25 to 68.75 as next resistance #EMWS Beginning of month bias long continues
Latest post: E-mini roars back to life #EMWS
yes thank you. dementia setting in. Saw Jay Leno last night, he was surprised most of us were still up at 7:30 when show began.
posted Friday 1:23 E 22 agg support #EMWS convenient traders advised to get paid at gap to 2532
Friday 1:52 PM E 2553 to 2355 next primary resistance #EMWS
“The wisdom of experience is like a comb that life gives us after we have lost all our hair.” #EMWS Next session in our Live Trading Room begins tomorrow Get a better understanding of our Proprietary Day Trading System and Strategies for Serious Traders