Head Fakes
Angels and Demons“Be Happy Now”
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.
Be happy now.
Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.
Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family.
Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
-Earl Nightingale
Multiple Streams of Income
In todays uncertain economy, the safest solution to be wealthy,
be in total control and enjoy freedom for you and your family
is to have multiple streams of income.
-Robert G. Allen
No matter what your product is, you are ultimately in the education business.
Your customers need to be constantly educated about the many advantagesof doing business with you,
trained to use your products more effectively,and taught how to make never-ending improvement in their lives.
-Robert G. Allen
Doing well is the result of doing good. That’s what capitalism is all about.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
3:14 PM] test 52 again i think before done #EMWS
Pattern today has been weekly back and fill, boys distributing yesterday to 35 support today. Throw in rollover and that makes it a tad more erratic some traders won’t even play today
Timing is important 2:33 E make sure paid if short #EMWS
And Martin Armstrong has a great counterpoin to this myopic flawed logic ow.ly/TkLe30mYJFS #EMWS STOP Spending / Borrowing money you dont have and start rebuilding capital reserves for a rainy day #uncommonsense
12:44 E 35 still support 35.75 t2 ow.ly/2gLt30mYJdJ #EMWS Be still and feel the rhythm, the pulse of the market as dynamic ranges evolve
Yesterday 5:49 PM E thank u. today may be taylor day 3, not sure.
buy, sell, sell short meaning distribution. afternoon closed soft #EMWS advised shorts today good fortune below 42
Martin Armstrong: We are Marching away from Peoria ow.ly/fQh030mYF5a #EMWS (sung to the tune of “marching to Pretoria”)
We try to shrink the fighting ring down to a manageable size and catch pieces as the market moves 7:27 AM E 42/72 range #EMWS educated guessing is part of the game. 8:46 E gap at 40.5 // we allow for risk and reward near gaps (Z contract)
At Dr’s appointment and not sure if waiting for him is saving me $ or I am missing opportunities . Twitter is mindless entertainment for now. Hey, DJT makes time for it, so can I #EMWS
Get back to work jsf
rollover creates crazy swings. we suggested try for half gap and gap and expect neutral range magnet 53.75 so paid for sure short by 55/52 is plan resistance 68/75.25 ow.ly/x1Fi30mYwcV gap closed #EMWS
Probably same success rate as futures traders too. Second truck a lot harder
Normally yes. No reason not to , but I won’t because of my schedule and think it will be less confusing for some #EMWS traders learning how to use spreadsheets and see sequence
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