Blood in the Streets

Not yet


True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of

uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.

-Winston Churchill


If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up.

What he needs is education to turn him around.

-Jim Rohn

The E-widget

The Emini wizard System offers an array of unique strategies, insights and plays for new traders and Professionals. Ready to take your game up a notch? Try the E-widget and watch your charts come alive with simplicity.


It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool

than to open it and remove all doubt.

Mark Twain

Must follow E

the man is most humble genius

for market psychology and trade mgmt 



12:19 Zeek need to get back above IBL at 21.25 for longs to stay in trade 1:01 E actually was very good bounce gave oppty to short 18/22 1:49 E if get below 2600 the 97.5/ 95 next idea #EMWS trailer territory

Thank you, no genius just experienced and focused. I will tell my 9 year younger sister though, she is certifiably a genius and reminds me of that often 😂

11:47 E review notes above about any new low targs like 09 #EMWS 7:32 E xx basis 2609 next support 8:29 AM E 2603.5 is xxx so that is normal support

Angels and Demons and everything in between stay humble, be grateful for opportunity. Reminder this is a risky business. Simple, but not easy. #EMWS

trade opposite your emotional fear and greed button then lock profits #EMWS

Thank u J . Note how easy it is to see the bots 100 point pb target #EMWS

1:09 PM E the broad range is what otf sees… now adjust….22 before the 12 #EMWS keep it simple. Identify the OTF players who are moving the market easily with the E-widget

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Proprietary Day Trading System & Strategies for Serious Traders

Watch for news about E’s Next Live Trading Room Opportunities beginning in the New Year

The focus is on finding low-risk, high odds trade ideas

for the E-mini S and P.

Angels and Demons

The Professional Edge

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