Happy Halloween.

It’s been a while since I have done a video, thought I would share a view of some of the pieces of our system.

Note the use of OBJECTIVE CRITERIA rather than “opinion” to give us trade ideas. As always, risk and reward and timing are important. Conceptual ideas are a must, followed by sound execution management and risk control. One without the other is worthless to dangerous in my opinion.

A big thanks to Zeek, a true friend these past fourteen years. He has shared insights from the perspective of a floor trader/ options maker and has a superior grasp of fundamentals. These are areas I lack in experience, and I am in deep gratitude for his support.

A reminder that my posts and charts have been captured over the years in the original Emini wizard site and for the past few years in the MARKETwizardz site .

The Emini wizard System is alive and well, but there are some changes coming.

Please enjoy the video.