Reversal Trading

Buy Pullbacks in Uptrends

Live Trading Session Oct 16

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Slingshot Day

Going Up

Keeping it simple.

The charts tell the story.

Stay Humble, especially when we think we have the markets all figured out.

We’re only as good as our last trade.

Opportunity Knocks

Are you ready to take your game to the next level?

E has been asked by a number of traders to run a session to teach concepts of The Eminiwizard system. Depending on the consensus of the group, we will use either NQ or ES as the primary tool.

Would you be interested in participating? Session to run from Oct 16 through November 10. There will be a follow up email to those who are interested. It will include the coupon code providing a discount for System Owners and Eagles.

This will be an educational discord room, available 24/7 for Traders. Videos, charts and commentary made available daily as E monitors the markets and reads the tape. This format allows part time traders to learn from the methodology even if they are personally unavailable during the Primary Trade active time from 9:15 to 11:15

No system is perfect, including The Eminiwizard System. We seek an edge, and trade when we think we have one, accumulating profits as best we can. Traders will also be able to learn how to construct higher odds setups that provide reasonable support or resistance and targets.

If you have a small account ($5,000), E will be discussing strategies to allow traders the opportunity to reduce risk by 90%. This is the first session E has run in a year; why not see what improvements and adjustments have been made?

Whether you are an aspiring day, swing, or position trader, you will take away actionable strategies.

Please let us know if you are interested. Investment is $197. ($147 for system owners or Eagles.) Course description for your final approval will be posted if there is enough interest.

A special Bonus will be offered to the first ten to register.

Today's Theme

Squeeze Machine

Reversal Day

Trap and Squeeze

Emini SP500 and NQ

Over Zealous?

The Edges come at the edges

This chart has been amazing at it’s ability to contain price movement.

Sigma is important, but a second filter is equally important. An envelope surrounding sigma was an idea that I first discovered in one of J.M. Hurst’s books.

It seems to smooth out the extremes and contain the intraday swings.

I found the same analysis to be true with NQ.




Tape Reading

The Flow of Thought

Friday Oct 6 2023
Room notes by E shared with a few traders. This is a sampling of putting together ideas.

6:36 AM lod stop for longs. Another attempt to get 960/965 stops run
18837.5 is mid yest. box 922 challenged. 843.75 support, 882 mid pivot
6:39AM 6:35 pm 843/922 closing box so i pick up where i was thinking last night
7:57 1 box at a time like Darvas
8:18 I will relax for news. 4296.5 directional pivot for es 882.75 for nq. give it time. avoid trouble my mantra this morning
8:23 965 target today, adjust as market moves
8:58 687.5 base support challenged. 655 T2 support. 960 still resistance.
9:02 consolidating. 646 next support
9:07 2 day range 298.75 points
9:12 716 monitor today
9:15 14726 opening pivot 100 point bounce
9:22 algos on their game
9:38 797.25 half gap
9:39 805 trigger pivot resistance vs 726 opening pivot. 716 test. 703 pfs Weekly level
10:30 843.75 now pivot ahead of 882 860 is pfs deuce 802 breakout
10:47 889.25 I like pfs 902 gap Yesterday So magnetic
10:50 200 off IB low
11:02 882 pivot
11:06 Target 960/965 by EOD Resistance for now
11:11 Smart trader I studied with said this type of move must make new high, So I buy pb with 82 pivot. 922 pivot.
11:30 For 60/65, 42 lock
11:33 987.5 next. 320 points
11:40 In melt up Jump in define stop
11:41 15053 is today’s stupid resistance
11:42 922 support til broken and any hi available
small pb consolidation at lunch expected
12:36 15039.25 pivotal. 15021 to 12 is target
12:49 15020 was right for retest / failure leg
12:49 monthly 40 back
12:51 15078 is resistance above it who knows 15080 NRO today
1:34 15118 next resistance target 15039 now agg support
1:45 510 points for the week. Profit taking small. Get 50 points first done well
2:26 113.5 was the stop Boyz wanted to test Sayonara. Gap 15133.75
2:37 shorts still won’t be easy til finally runs. 15078 support 156.25 resistance pivot. 140.62 was a potential
2:38 any day hi in squeeze 15018 intact on squeeze
2:43 15141 is a partial, 2 more targets, but i think time to relax after gap fill
2:47 allowing for scoot spike, 15156.25 NRO, even 15160
3:36 497.75 points day.
3:42 500.25 algo
3:54 And there we go.Shorts Paid by 117.25
4:00 103/97 most I see so 97 support
4:02 I Didn’t like shorts til after 3 pm, 3:30 was better
4:03 Thanks all and have nice weekend

Get In Touch
Naples, FL