
The Eagles club

Fly with us


I came.


I saw.


I conquered.

Heavy Hitters Wanted

“Why not add another income stream to what you already do?”

“Greetings Dennis

I hope all is well

Your system has amazing accuracy. 2040.75 low is one tick from the xxx level at 2040.5. And the high at 2071.5 is yesterday’s Rth demon. Even the bots can’t do better” June 17, 2016


Former Options Maker, long time Eminiwizard Trader and Friend

Reduce Risk

Skepticism surrounds the Trading and Investing community, and rightly so. If you have followed E on twitter the past seven years, you know he makes no claims of fast and easy profits. In fact, He has never claimed to make a dime on any trade. Why? Simple: He does not wish to make it seem like anyone can do this. We all have different account sizes, risk tolerance, time available to trade, and a host of other variables. They all seem insignificant, but this is as tough a business as you will ever find.

The problem is “us”. We can but usually “don’t” control our emotions. Knowledge is one thing, application of the ideas is another.

Read all about batting, then try hitting a Nolan Ryan fast ball if you want to understand what we are saying. Even better, let someone run a red light in front of you.

If you are afraid to risk One E-mini Sp point a week to find out if E can help you, stop reading. Please go somewhere else where you are given more acceptable guarantees and promises.

Increase Reward

Now that we have that out of the way, let E share a convenient, affordable, low stress way to see if his methodologies make sense for you. For $195 you can take advantage of the Navigator Special. You will have a practical spread sheet which you may adapt to any market, and it’s only one small part of our tool chest. For four weeks E will personally show you how to use that with the E-Mini Sp, but you may key it in for any security. It’s yours to keep.

If you want to confirm your membership as an Eagle, you may upgrade and invest in The Emini wizard System, and deduct the $195 Navigator Special tuition from the system investment.

Reduce your risk, increase your reward potential.

A month with this program should give you a good insight if you want to risk any more.

Thank you for taking the time to consider joining us as a MARKETwizardz Instructor or student.

Test the waters with the Navigator Special

Why not test the waters with a small, limited risk investment to see what all the fuss is about? Even Seasoned Pros will learn something of value with this introductory package that unlocks the doors to the incredible accuracy of the Emini wizard System.