Today was guess upside premarket, ride the wave, and get paid by 2556.

The rest of the day was over traders being carved up like a Halloween pumpkin.

The DT$$2 course ended today, with another batch of videos and charts produced as teaching tools for traders to review at their convenience.

The focus was on teaching traders how to find short term imbalances that fit within larger pieces of the puzzle.

This skillset can then be applied to different time frames and vehicles of the trader’s choice.

It was indeed a pleasure to work with traders of various ages, experience and a nice mix of men and women.

Reminder the slack room is available for your continued interaction with each other if you choose to do so.  You may post in the general room now that the course is over, and perhaps mingle with traders who took previous versions of this course.



Zeek Snodgrass [7:08 AM] gm

evan [7:12 AM] gm zeek

Mike M [7:59 AM] gm’

Zeek Snodgrass
[8:10 AM] we have repeated most of yesterday’s range Yesterday was an inside day

[8:11] today looks like a breakout day to the upside
[8:11] how far we go is a guess
[8:11] think xxx
[8:11] xxx range is 14.25 points
[8:12] that could be our extension
[8:12] retail sales and CPI at 8:30
[8:12] if you are currently flat, wait for reports
[8:13] 49.5 is gap fill 50.13 is day’s middle
[8:15] 47.75 angel 52.5 demon

Mike M [8:20 AM] thank you zeek

Renato Santos [8:21 AM] GM ALL

Mike M [8:21 AM] hi Renato

eminiwizard [8:27 AM] gm all

[8:28] thinking upside
[8:28] 49.5 stop for longs
[8:28] target 54/55 and 59.25 NRO
[8:29] not ruled out
[8:29] xxxxxx
[8:29] then xxx wt1 at 59.25
[8:29] big resistance target is 2563.75
[8:30] chasers drop losers fast
[8:30] narrow range for week should expand today
[8:31] protecting 44 and 49
[8:31] if not it tells us something about this market

Zeek Snodgrass [8:31 AM] later for news headline bewtween 10:30 and 11:30

Mike M [8:32 AM] 62?

[8:32] sorry

eminiwizard [8:33 AM] 56.5 to 59.5 already potential targets today

[8:33] nq pushing too[8:35] stops up

Zeek Snodgrass [8:36 AM] someone knew yesterday. look at volume on 3:55 bar 12% of total day’s volume

[8:38] 56.75 xxx T1

eminiwizard[8:40 AM] thanks z

[8:41] the 46.25 bounce was dead giveaway

Zeek Snodgrass [8:41 AM] 2547.38 new xxxx

eminiwizard [8:41 AM right

[8:41] and ss calculate it
[8:42] xxxx
[8:42] 54.75 xxxxxx

Zeek Snodgrass [8:45 AM] 54 new demon

[8:45] about 25k have traded since the news

eminiwizard [8:45 AM] xxx9 am rule

[8:46] xxxx done
[8:46] making it xxxx

Zeek Snodgrass [8:46 AM] 52.5 pg

eminiwizard [8:46 AM] and xxxx
Zeek Snodgrass [8:47 AM] bulls need to win this hour or we will have trapped longs

eminiwizard [8:47 AM] 53.25 breakout

[8:47] 3rd time thru
[8:48] 47/ 57 trade logic
[8:49] paid for sure by 56 completing ten off late low
[8:52] zOOm
[8:57] 15 globex using xxx pfs by 56



@Capt_Tiko still awake? Nail biter…

Kudos to Cubs, and great drama to the final out. double play and tag at first were huge. Nats were tough.

46.25 support intact in hardball game DT4$2

DT$$2 Gravy above 52/ 53 if long trail or go play golf today. stops up to 49.5

8:28 thinking upside [8:28] 49.5 stop for longs 8:28 target 54/55 and 59.25 NRO [8:33] 56.5 to 59.5 already potential targets today DT4$2

gotta love early friday morning orange juice squeeze

$ES_F $GC_F Join me live @ ET 8:45 4 a premarket analysis & trade plan will share market stat 99% prob #ES_F #EMWS

laying off the high fastball not as easy as it looks… DT4$2

RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @PivotBoss @MarzBonfire thanks Renato and #FF back at all of you

Tiny range again DT4$2 nice weekend to all


08:53:12 From Dennis Parmelee : good morning
08:57:03 From Dennis Parmelee :
09:11:07 From Zeek Snodgrass : I am done about 11:15 today
09:15:08 From Simon : back to shit data is good for stocks lol
09:15:28 From Simon : * sorry … terrible
09:15:36 From Simon : Friday spirit already
09:15:42 From Dennis Parmelee : lol
09:21:09 From Zeek Snodgrass : rule of alternation indicates we contunue higher
09:23:32 From Dennis Parmelee : ty
09:25:34 From Dennis Parmelee : drop losers fast today
09:29:17 From Dennis Parmelee : breakout intact by open = possible squeeze
09:29:27 From Dennis Parmelee : if its a trap, need a xxxx
09:33:29 From Dennis Parmelee : 51.75 to 52 half gap
09:33:35 From Dennis Parmelee : paid by 52
09:37:43 From Simon : I know it makes no sense given Mon-Thurs… Monday’/Week’s low is possible due to macro changes today and politic risks for weekend.
09:39:25 From Renato : 50-48 key on my map
09:39:26 From Simon : Oh I get your points, the hard way too, another bounce off 49 / 47 / 45 maybe all
09:43:44 From Dennis Parmelee : 50.75 hidden pivot paid for sure 51
09:43:56 From Dennis Parmelee : xxx
09:48:02 From Dennis Parmelee : xxx 50.25 intraday
09:51:07 From Simon : More data in 9 mins, on the hour
09:54:32 From Dennis Parmelee : since gap 49.5 xxxxx
09:55:14 From Dennis Parmelee : step by step upside need 57 first
09:55:34 From Dennis Parmelee : reauctioning fast up
09:56:44 From Dennis Parmelee : news coming
09:56:54 From Dennis Parmelee : 2 way day
09:57:22 From Dennis Parmelee : longs need to fight for this hour
09:57:33 From Dennis Parmelee : or we revisit 48
09:59:52 From Dennis Parmelee : xxxxxx
10:18:10 From Simon : take it easy, laters Dennis
10:18:50 From Renato : thanks Dennis, later.
10:18:51 From Mike : thanks Dennis
10:18:55 From Dennis Parmelee : u bet
10:19:10 From Dennis Parmelee : try pb for this morning
10:19:17 From Dennis Parmelee : then think profit taking
10:51:24 From Zeek Snodgrass : we now have daily double top
10:51:46 From Zeek Snodgrass : pulling back, may should test teh 52 angel and [ossible move below 50.25
10:51:58 From Zeek Snodgrass : 5.25 pt range for rth
10:53:32 From Zeek Snodgrass : gap still open at 49.5
10:56:37 From Zeek Snodgrass : uninspiring is how I would describe totady’s market
10:57:41 From Mike : y
11:10:10 From Simon : we’ve had weeks of buy the first 30 mins dip or buy the first 5 if gap down. The half gap trade won’t be forgotten even if I get memory loss later in life.
11:11:17 From Simon : and when ‘rallying’ 2.5 pts is a dip
11:12:49 From Mike : back later, gl
11:17:07 From Zeek Snodgrass : done for now
12:41:16 From Dennis Parmelee : just walking in
12:42:44 From Dennis Parmelee : unbelievable
12:43:37 From Simon : I have a trade from 2.5 hours ago and not stopped and not TP either
12:43:46 From Simon : nadda
12:44:21 From Simon : thought short at 55 was decent 🙂
12:44:40 From Simon : silly me, wanting to TP at 50 retest
12:45:20 From Simon : hehe, now E moves the market 😀
12:48:06 From Dennis Parmelee : 56.75 is a possible today if xxxxx
12:52:02 From Dennis Parmelee : 54.5 demon
12:54:27 From Dennis Parmelee : consider any new highs make sure paid simon
12:59:45 From Dennis Parmelee : and 54 to 59 are right targets
12:59:55 From Dennis Parmelee : as resistance likely
13:00:22 From Dennis Parmelee : shorts either undo the longs or are vulnerable for a squeeze
13:00:41 From Dennis Parmelee : longs after 130 are suspect
13:01:35 From Dennis Parmelee : use that as a time stop in addition to money stop
13:02:57 From Dennis Parmelee : brb
13:03:04 From Simon : thx E, hope your meeting was ‘acceptable’ bb in about an hour
13:14:37 From Dennis Parmelee : thank u
13:21:11 From Simon : sigh, well, I’m glad you are where you want to be now then.
13:29:18 From Dennis Parmelee : yes
13:29:22 From Dennis Parmelee : i am
13:29:39 From Dennis Parmelee : target 56.75 to 59.25 NRO
13:29:54 From Dennis Parmelee : 49.5 still agggressive stop for longs
13:30:39 From Dennis Parmelee : 1:30
13:30:55 From Dennis Parmelee : make sure dont give back 5 to make 2
13:31:19 From Dennis Parmelee : do something like 53.25 stop
13:32:48 From Dennis Parmelee : xxx
13:34:01 From Dennis Parmelee : xxx
13:38:29 From Dennis Parmelee : nq has hit trendline target 6100
14:01:59 From Dennis Parmelee : ugly but true
14:02:06 From Dennis Parmelee : churning
14:02:38 From Dennis Parmelee : risk 1 make 1
14:02:46 From Dennis Parmelee : risk 2 make 2
14:07:16 From Simon : E, i’m sure your wife disagrees, handsome and true
14:09:02 From Simon : Personally, (and some of my holdings aren’t intraday) , still not had stops popped, NQ and Dow positions also holding short for late week risk off.
14:09:32 From Simon : Have you worked out where you are with the course and what is left to cover vs what you wanted to cover?
14:10:17 From Simon : I also realise half the team isn’t here so may not get the answer
14:11:15 From Dennis Parmelee : let me answer it in video
14:17:59 From Renato : nice E
14:26:55 From Renato : Is the slack room going to be open after the course is done?
14:27:53 From Simon : thank you Dennis, was a very useful summary
14:28:20 From Simon : didn’t mean to prompt any goodbye speech 🙂
14:28:31 From Simon : but will be good
14:29:08 From Mike : oh i just got back and seem to have missed something
14:29:27 From Simon : mike, all recorded
14:29:45 From Mike : ok thanks
14:31:00 From Simon : with all the fun that Dennis had at start of course due to the earth mother asking Dennis for more help, I asked where we were with course etc
14:31:05 From Mike : excellent thanks D
14:33:45 From Simon : Not wanting to interrupt at all.. looking at rut for profit taking, leading imo, peaked a week ago
14:34:16 From Simon : so carry on for mike!
14:36:14 From Simon : sold 53 looking for NK/Iran/Trump worry take profits for week
14:37:05 From Mike : i always struggled keeping my spreadsheet properly updated 🙂
14:37:52 From Mike : y i can see so much how it would i’d get confused and it was tough
14:41:45 From Simon : nothing to do with trading now. You have a market input page and that’s the only place to important daily info Mike?
14:41:52 From Mike : good for you Dennis
14:41:57 From Mike : you’re a great teacher
14:42:16 From Simon : xls should be configured to make the input process simple
14:42:31 From Mike : y he and i traded a bit after that together but i haven’t seen Jason in a long while
14:43:27 From Simon : Dennis, this won’t be goodbye. I’d love a week when daily ranges are 20-30 pts. not saying you hadn’t helped… but a “Finally Week” would be fun 😀
14:43:54 From Simon : Finally a week of range 100 to trade
14:45:05 From Simon : yep, got the message, below previous support if short is good fortune
14:45:50 From Simon : got that written on my pad… all you’ve said for a month is … below previous support is good fortune
14:46:59 From Dennis Parmelee : bullish = buy support
14:47:10 From Dennis Parmelee : not guessing the high
14:47:15 From Mike : E did you just say the circle now becomes the fighting zone and the lower half support?
14:47:23 From Simon : I just hope I haven’t paid for a course to trade a bull market after 8 years :_D…. yes mate… this has probably been the best lesson, 19 days of buy support
14:47:25 From Dennis Parmelee : bots are unemotional
14:47:38 From Simon : shows how you have to day trade the market you see
14:47:38 From Mike : lol
14:47:51 From Dennis Parmelee : turn computer upside down and u have it
14:47:52 From Dennis Parmelee : or
14:47:58 From Dennis Parmelee : market profile
14:48:03 From Dennis Parmelee : turn sideways
14:48:09 From Simon : I mean it very clear… don’t be scaried to buy every day until it stops
14:48:55 From Mike : i still like watching the jbtfd video haha
14:50:37 From Simon : I have all thexxxx and I’m building a profile on my platform to have it all on multiple screens
14:51:06 From Simon : murrey maths etc, building it into one place
14:53:12 From Simon : so I will need to keep to access the videos etc to get my platform set up. Yes.. even now this market still refuses to even drop .5 pt below last low
14:53:31 From Simon : yes, I know you said so , so ty
14:54:06 From Simon : some day 🙂 … water will flow down hill
14:55:12 From Simon : Mike – that’s the computer voice bernanke (sp?) buy dip video?
14:55:21 From Mike : y
14:55:47 From Mike : yes thats a lot of good info if it’s up to date haha
14:56:00 From Mike : really good
14:57:30 From Mike : i remember way back looking at something called murrey math lines pro for ninja
14:57:31 From Renato : yes
14:57:53 From Mike : i never bought it or tried it but it was supposed to be a type of auto adjusting tool for the lines
14:58:03 From Renato : All I know is that I learned 2 or 3 things from you that I had never thought of, it helps a lot.
14:58:06 From Renato : Thank you.
14:58:57 From Mike : same here that was a long time ago E i got your SS and learned a lot of other things that i’ve used since even though i didn’t keep the ss up to date
15:07:27 From Simon : I think you can automate the levels on a chart, the drawings… how you reaction and how you decide to trade I think is less systematic
15:08:02 From Simon : but look happy to be wrong, and you buy my retirement home
15:11:45 From Renato : awkward week!
15:12:47 From Simon : youve got all you need at home and blessed it seems so , very happy you have been able to help us, the hurricane is going into the past so glad you and your family are through it without any great loss.
15:12:52 From Renato : Girls are usually much more disciplined than us.
15:13:37 From Simon : May Q3 2017 be an “interesting” memory of the hurricane course
15:15:41 From Simon : Now … if you could do the one thing you’ve clearly showed you can’t … make the market move in the direction of the trade I have…. shrugs… that would be just a great start to the weekend!
15:15:47 From Renato : at least that is what I’ve observed from all traders with whom I shaered my trading system.
15:16:27 From Renato : Girls religiously follow the rules.
15:18:58 From Dennis Parmelee : roflmao simon
15:19:13 From Dennis Parmelee : 1 hr to go
15:19:37 From Dennis Parmelee : i have 2 daughters
15:19:41 From Simon : exactly… it’s friday, 1 hr to go… what do I do ?
15:19:42 From Dennis Parmelee : one followed rules
15:19:49 From Dennis Parmelee : other says who me?
15:20:06 From Simon : I do what the wife says
15:21:24 From Simon : ok, if you must
15:21:31 From Simon : go for it
15:27:12 From Simon : OK, so day trader mental process. Do wait/hope for a weekend event. scratch it and wait
15:27:26 From Simon : clear it and sleep well
15:28:36 From Simon : my investor view with what you would call a 401k ,, I try every day to stop that pot affecting my trading opinion … oh your MA
15:29:03 From Simon : sry made two points in that sentence
15:30:05 From Simon : EMAs, i have xxxxxx  your pictures
15:31:19 From Simon : on a xxxxxxx been beat for 3 weeks
15:34:30 From Dennis Parmelee : we need more than moving averages
15:34:35 From Dennis Parmelee : but they are helpful
15:34:53 From Dennis Parmelee : they help us see when we are too stretched
15:35:49 From Mike : boy we need that vol back
15:40:07 From Mike : ATH are no fun for sure
15:53:58 From Dennis Parmelee : pfs 51.25 if short
15:55:03 From Dennis Parmelee : last to leave loses
15:56:30 From Dennis Parmelee : gap is 49.5
15:56:49 From Dennis Parmelee :xxxx for 50/49
16:00:44 From Dennis Parmelee : hope that helps
16:02:50 From Mike : have a good weekend all. Thanks Dennis!
16:03:07 From Mike : was good to be with you again
16:03:14 From Renato : Thank you, Dennis.
16:03:22 From Renato : Have a great weekend.
16:03:28 From Renato : anytime
16:03:48 From Dennis Parmelee : u bet and best to all
16:21:38 From Dennis Parmelee : 52.5 close
16:22:01 From Dennis Parmelee : thank you for risking $ to take this course