President's Week

President ?


Time For A Change

Silence is Golden


I went to the pool Monday and on my right were a bunch of people enjoying President’s day.

I also noticed another group to my left who were celebrating He’s Not My President’s Day…

all the kids were in the pool playing together having a great time.

I said Hi to all of them and enjoyed the day.

Play the Odds

Fed Up

Weds Feb 20

Zeek 9:02 morning for regular trading, lunch for waiting for Fed minutes, afternoon for trading Fed minutes

Emini wizard [9:02 AM]
my schedule
regular trading, lunch with wife , and MIA this afternoon. Her birthday
will sneak a peek at chart though when she is not looking

James [9:04 AM] Happy Birthday Mrs. Wizard :star-struck:

BryanS [9:04 AM]That’s nice

James [9:04 AM] 🙂

BryanS [9:04 AM] Lol

Emini wizard [9:05 AM]
I think she knows that I would rather be here for the gyrations
this is addictive if u love the market and I do
but i love her more
FED up
normally market scoots higher
then can pb later
market has been on a tear and ignores news and just keeps stretching higher

recency bias will catch last longs at some point
inside day for now
be careful of marginal breaks both sides of overnight today
its the type of day we can get false breakouts both sides ahead of news

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Tail Wags the Dog

Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us.

The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.

Recently Shared Posts

Weekly Insights

The Boyz

“10:29 E ideal trade for boyz is shake and bake knock out 66, test 65.5 to 62 before a bounce

10:33 E deep support territory 68

1:03 Bryan aside from your trading approach, i love just listening/reading your words on psychology, its almost like 50/50

1:07 HS Agree with Bryan E “


Feb 22

“Boyz have and Agenda and its to take out 2800 + …”

Advised traders to capture profits into 92/93 and go play golf or shovel snow. shorts as contra at lunch for those who want to fight the machine

7:07 E today searching for resistance support found. inside day most likely and wac a mole think defensively 81/82 important squeeze zone 7:30 E convenient trade is short but i have no illusions about this being a giant killer. high for day not in yet my guess is squeeze shorts

6:41 AM E agg support 78 this market has not given shorts many two day runs agenda today we had buy pb 79/82 with 78 support for 92 target PFS and 96 T2 as next resistance #EMWS squeeze day

Chicago. Armstrong may have forgotten to add the dead voters to the pension list

8:40 PM E not many day 2 or day 3 taylor trades have worked on this bounce #EMWS program trade agenda started just after midnight

Feb 21

it’s not just the numbers but the context that’s important. Today’s Psychology discussed in real time: “Market has reversed. Fed Up cleaned out the short stops & now the pullback is being offered to Charlie (who bought it hook line and sinker). This is Mirror day to last Friday”

10:29 E ideal trade for boyz is shake and bake knock out 66, test 65.5 to 62 before a bounce 10:33 E deep support territory 68 1:03 Bryan aside from your trading approach, i love just listening/reading your words on psychology, its almost like 50/50 1:07 HS Agree with Bryan E

smart shorts wanted profits and was near 62 support Emini wizard [3:13 PM]
protect profits 62 support

2:29 E that 79 high failure for completing 68/65 target if lucky #EMWS bounce turns out to be bear flag

12:48 E 15 globex says paid by 81/82 right now if long 12:54 E 81.5 was original overnight low 1: 01 E 82/85 resistance for shorts

7:13 E today is kill both sides agg shorts, late longs, late shorts again probably #EMWS

10:02 E : target 68.7 5 to 66 Not Ruled Out 11:31 E pfs 72/ 73 11:58 E wac a mole traders 78/81 is pay day #EMWS protect profits time deeper support at 70 held first time back 9:37 zeek :remember the desired 72-70 long entry from yesterday

7:13 E today is kill both sides aggg shorts late longs 7:22 15 min globex suggests can get 80.5 #EMWS 7:27 AM E but market has reversed overnight

Reversal of fortune for holders 2802 as resistance still 7:11 E 84.25 today’s angel 7:14 E shorts should be paid by 85/82 85.5 launch and SOC

4:07 PM E buy support has worked yet again 10:38 PM E should be 97 as target wt1 97.75 #EMWS 10:46 E this is an agenda and all the doom and gloomers have no clue. easier levitation in low volume overnight session

4:04 E 91.25 to 93 was next target #EMWS Step by step anything is possible

He Said She Said

Other People’s Money

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money. ” -Margaret Thatcher


“Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” P. J. O’Rourke

Play the Odds

Incomplete Information

Half full or half empty? As a trader we need to make decisions with incomplete information.

Only in hindsight will we know for sure how the trade plays out.

Seek a confluence of a few ideas and take reasonable risk.

If we wait for all the lights to turn green, we will never leave the garage.

It Continues

Government Shut Down

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”

Feb 20

As expected the afternoon opportunities today were better for experienced traders #EMWS SP is rhythmical making it a great trading vehicle

Armstrong and a modern math lesson: “So let’s see. Somehow not creating 25,000 jobs is a victory? The amount of taxes earned from salaries would have been $15 billion compared to a $3 billion tax deal. ”

For Milos : Angels and Demons. Thanks for your email, unfortunately I didn’t get your email address. Hope this helps you

Feb 19

The most important thing we can do as a trader is to keep developing & trusting our own system. We should NEVER lose confidence because others don’t see the value we bring to the table. No need to find a Holy Grail. Understand a few major confluence ideas and trade the odds

We are only as good as our last call or two 6:03 PM Monday 62 swing support until broken 6:12 PM Mon E currently i like 2788 to 2892 as resistance targets 7:04 AM E if short payday should be by 67/ 65 2:48 E if long lock profits advised by 85/87.5 #EMWS Savvy Group of traders

Feb 18

Sometimes right, sometimes wrong as we all are. Educated guesses. Dec 24 low is a good example, thought 2323.75 would be the low and we hit 2317. No one has a crystal ball.

Lol Jedi some of us have no choice, but Jason Statham , the Rock , and Diesel do it right.

New session started tonight. I hope no one took my reco but if they did they have already recouped their investment for this course. 74.5 magnet.

Lol. Some of us just wear hats 🕵️‍♂️

Do you really think he would go in the pool and mess up his hair? He’s usually hustling someone on the golf course 🙂 I never believe him when he says “I’m underwater”

Just made time to watch your historic launch. Great guests with hair profiles that made you look really good Deli. 30 year mortgages will become a thing of the past, so 2/10 make sense. I love FT71 discretionary approach, & Cold therapy may be great but I’m heading to the Hot Tub

Congrats to Angel and the rest of the 50+ crowd…

The freight train coming at us according to Socrates

I went the taekwondo route. Creed of courtesy integrity perseverance self control, indomitable spirit. Quieting the mind through TM or breath control also helpful

74.5 magnet fwiw

Question: What’s your feeling about the Big 3 challenge to the SEC ? Does the Pilot program hurt or help the retail investor?

Getting Chubby
Heading to the Chubb Classic and let’s see how good these guys really are with hazards in South West Florida

Agreed. Truth is though there are many different ways to play the game, including buying/ selling directional strategies or even non-directional plays with options. We still need to find something that works consistently enough to give us an edge. Thanks Simon

Many people want to learn how to Day trade but if they lack an understanding of Swing and Position context it will be difficult. Trading is more like basketball rather than baseball because offense and defense shift so quickly. Know where the generals half court is for an edge

Next session for our Live Trading Room begins Feb 19 The last attendees got 3 weeks free bonus time. If you are struggling, (and we all do at times), why not learn about our Squeeze Pivots, 3 Box System and more? Education, Execution, Money Management

Believe in

The Emini wizard System

Recently Shared Posts

Trade Ideas


The most important thing we can do as a trader is to keep developing & trusting our own system. We should NEVER lose confidence because others don’t see the value we bring to the table. No need to find a Holy Grail. Understand a few major confluence ideas and trade the odds

Martin Armstrong


“Ocasio-Cortez and progressives called this a victory. So let’s see. Somehow not creating 25,000 jobs is a victory? The amount of taxes earned from salaries would have been $15 billion compared to a $3 billion tax deal. Sorry, but neither Bloomberg nor Ocasio-Cortez are suited for political office when they cannot see that the benefit of creating jobs outweighs their greed for taxes.”

There is evidently no common sense when it comes to other people’s money.

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Naples, FL