Thank You

@Cubby_Blu @TRADEnPERFORM @HF_Trader @Tradn500 @PatrickGrattan @STKMTN82 @11cjh11 @RectorRe @pipsnticks @shemesht @ObjexinMirror @clayidus @Capt_Tiko @HamzeiAnalytics @BEFREEinFL @rothmere thanks to all


#EMWS Armstrong on emerging market debt

thanks Simon. It’s like playing golf: “Develop a repeating swing that performs under pressure. Put it back in play asap when we mishit it”

#EMWS if long premarket paid for sure by 2400.25 $ES_F hit and run risk 2 make 2

RT @clusterstock: Bumble Bee will plead guilty for fixing canned-tuna prices /see @Capt_Tiko

#EMWS shorts paid by 95 to 94.75 $ES_F 2400.25 was reasonable resistance

#EMWS risk two make two -or- lace up sneakers and run to Walmart fill out job application $ES_F inside day expected

#EMWS IB Low retest is 96 in this exciting market $ES_F paid by 95.5 to 96.5 if long

#EMWS using 91.5 as aggressive support paid for sure in 92s if short $ES_F

#EMWS cover trailers by 90.5 $ES_F

#EMWS t1 south today was 2390 $ES_F sluggish market take what we can

#EMWS magnet is 2393 so don’t go crazy now. cover any EOD buys by 94 $ES_F

RT yesterday @eminiwizard: #EMWS low and hi may already be in for the day soft back and fill keeping 88 support for now $ES_F /still intact