5 am #EMWS MATD re entries near 67 book something on db test ow.ly/svQX30bPrbY $ES_F
try to establish trailers #EMWS Paid for sure 2352 if short, 2351 is next #EMWS target, then 48.75 $ES_F
#EMWS risk and reward always comes into the picture ow.ly/nRfN30bPtAB $ES_F
back later don’t be nerd all day in front of computer
lol yes cuz lots of monkey business
#EMWS trailers below the 48.75 target and relax its only bananas $ES_F
#EMWS gap at 45.25 getting filled $ES_F
#EMWS Paid for sure by gap and next support 42/40.75 $ES_F
thanks Bama, thinking the Boyz try to hold 42/43.75 if they can
#EMWS magnet is 51.5 so paid by 52/53 if long $ES_F
#EMWS Print the overnight “Z” pattern and save for reference $ES_F ow.ly/G0NP30bPFNH
#EMWS late shorts expecting too much are at risk today $ES_F key off yesterday’s low
#EMWS Paid by 59.5 if long good fortune above for the 61/62 Pivot $ES_F
#EMWS Stay humble or this market will eat your lunch $ES_F
#EMWS If your guru is citing platitudes and generic info during IB it’s time to rethink your plan $ES_F Focus
Boyz may want to kill some Put premium today if they can.
Thanks for your insights #FF (@MrTopStep)
#EMWS Longs are contras for now so get paid by 62.5 to 64.5 if long $ES_F relax, don’t try too hard. Feel the rhythm
#EMWS If you traded over night, be choosy about trades now $ES_F
RT @TheFibDoctor $SPX $ES_F Let yesterday’s selling be a lesson in gap filling.
RT @eminiwizard: thanks Bama, thinking the Boyz try to hold 42/43.75 if they can / know thy opponent for better odds
#EMWS today’s demon is 2366 above 2367 gets interesting $ES_F
#EMWS 68.75 to 72 for shorts $ES_F may need several entries
#EMWS experience seeing slingshot trades like today’s bounce is why it takes time to understand how markets move $ES_F be patient learning
#EMWS see if 58.75 can be tagged. $ES_F
the 66/68 breakdown retest has held for now $ES_F
#EMWS That was the gap low that held shorts prisoners for a few weeks ow.ly/eucH30bQaCZ $ES_F two way day today
#EMWS Primary Trade is done accumulate profits in hit and run $ES_F
#EMWS rain line tagged at 72 and juice above done by 75 $ES_F ow.ly/maZY30bQrHa
#EMWS yesterday’s low support until broken $ES_F protect profits time especially if played overnight. reflexes and thinking get sluggish
RT @eminiwizard: #EMWS 68.75 to 72 for shorts $ES_F may need several entries / Boyz want to keep shorts from getting position, stop hunting time for a swim and back later
#EMWS out of office all day tomorrow $ES_F don’t turn your back on the boyz
#EMWS if took entry short may want to get paid by IB high 2366 test, below is the juice $ES_F
Today’s #EMWS predictive chart ow.ly/7koS30bQRlL $ES_F working on getting these automated for students of the system
Thank You
@abydnave @Tradn500 @alhall211 @GiantTigerCat @D_K_bme @asoup322 @trading24h @onefourdroopy @HF_Trader @11cjh11 @TraderMD @jedimarkus77 @ObjexinMirror @DaveL452 @RealDavidCook_ @RectorRe @clayidus @PatrickGrattan @pipsnticks @YoungWallSt @BrentRShelton @Axehead @shemesht @BamaTrader @masayang @WatermanLXXIII @LewBowman @jotuk6771 thanks to all