
#EMWS chose 87.5 for today’s pivot because of this $ES_F chart color coded. 5 RTH rain line 89.75 also a key today

#EMWS will keep 2385 as the marker for the current Panama Canal trade $ES_F

#EMWS Step by Step Big Boyz Style Remember the battle at 1982.5? $ES_F Buy support in uptrends until proven wrong

#EMWS Using 96.75 to 98.25 as aggressive resistance $ES_F

#EMWS If long paid into agg resistance targets, trail only above $ES_F

#EMWS Step by step $ES_F trailers for more

EMWS done by 2401 T2 $ES_F

#EMWS Paid for sure at target 2401 and go play golf $ES_F

#EMWS Panama canal squeeze trade wins again while chicken little talks of crashes $ES_F head fakes

lol so caddy for her next time

#EMWS 2 gaps filled $ES_F 2385 support intact

#EMWS 30 min globex $ES_F using 92.25 as bias marker

#EMWS likes back and fill but not expecting miracle short side today paid by 96.75 to 95.5 for sure if short $ES_F

#EMWS “get the runner out of the gate” then go play $ES_F 80/20 rule

#EMWS hi and low are likely in for the day and if the sun is out where you live fuggedaboutit $ES_F paid for sure if long by Demon 2400.75

Thank You

@IHBDSB @asoup322 @@TRADEnPERFORM @STKMTN82 @ChiTownBA @clayidus @JeffShieler @11cjh11 @Pamsquatch @Cubby_Blu @DaveL452 @Tradn500 @MrTopSTep @PatrickRooney @AnthonyCrudele @pipsnticks @PivotBoss @generic991 @TexasClaudia @OTAstudent14 @MissTrade @marketminute thanks to all