#EMWS Looks to me like range trading ow.ly/c05L30bFc8I lower highs lower lows , so btfd and hold hasn’t worked $ES_F hit and run
#EMWS will use 87.5 as today’s pivot $ES_F nice bucket shop close yesterday. fade over-reactions
#EMWS if long paid by the 91 gap for sure and 92.5 agg resistance $ES_F shorts be careful thinking repeat of yesterday
#EMWS If we get mirror day, 85 needs to hold rest of day $ES_F PFS by 91
RT @PivotBoss Great Follows! #Trading #FF @MrTopStep @FuturesTrader71 @RenaTrader @eminiwizard @tomandprisha @marketminute @SunriseTrader @Chicagostock
RT @RenaTrader ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @PivotBoss @MarzBonfire
@RenaTrader @PivotBoss thank you and back at you #FF make it a great day
#EMWS If short paid for sure by 2385 and the rest is good fortune $ES_F angel test
#EMWS allows us to make decisions step by step with new information as it becomes available ow.ly/5xaV30bFynQ $ES_F 82 agg support
#EMWS 30 RTH shows the consolidation ow.ly/pE2O30bFAEL $ES_F don’t over trade
Shorts have had a reasonable week, make sure #EMWS not the last to leave dodge. $ES_F accumulate profits spread out risk over time
#EMWS Half gap 89.75 $ES_F
Many thanks for sharing ur insights + analyses this week @TraderGoalieOne @andywu_sf @AnthonyCrudele @eminiwizard @FuturesTrader71 #ff #es_f
RT @casper409 #FF @SJosephBurns @thewavetrading @eminiwizard @MissTrade @zspb @FuturesTrader71 @MarzBonfire @Ancient_Warrior @FOREX_VALUER
thank you, and honored to be included in this group of great traders Ash #FF
Be well Renato and thank you #FF solid players
For many years one of the best Profilers in the business and a great technician #FF
Many thanks Paolo, back at you #FF great weekend to you
@AnthonyCrudele has been one of the first to leave the floor and figure the ES beast out from sidelines. great follow with his podcasts #FF
got your fiver? no overdrive yet, still in first gear
#EMWS chose 87.5 for today’s pivot because of this $ES_F chart ow.ly/x8tp30bFSl0 color coded. 5 RTH rain line 89.75 also a key today