RT @HamzeiAnalytics After the break, @HamzeiAnalytics joins us to try and make sense of these wacky markets
#EMWS Pressure has been applied to the 88 support zone, not much bounce ow.ly/SMV230bB9Bp $ES_F 2 way day hit and run
#EMWS yesterday’s IB low 96 was never broken, 97.75 aggressive resistance. Trying 85 to 82.75 as aggressive support $ES_F
#EMWS 15 RTH chart in play ow.ly/vcct30bBdN7 $ES_F
rain as assumed support
#EMWS 88.75 yesterday’s low, 89.25 today’s Angel first support $ES_F
#EMWS small overnight range says keep expectations limited $ES_F
#EMWS This was the setup at the open for 10 rth ow.ly/SVWM30bBrvo i wanted the 15 rth to show next level support time and price $ES_F
#EMWS NQ nice defense and clue for market today ow.ly/troy30bBOoI
#EMWS curb your enthusiasm ow.ly/a4Er30bC4mS $ES_F small shake and bake day
lol too much information
#EMWS Today’s guide ow.ly/Hzeh30bCs5n $ES_F keep it simple
Thank You
@JeffShieier @LewBowman @wfjp @shemesht @jedimarkus77 @Tradn500 @pat_hennessy @LongTplexTrader @D_K_bme @HF_Trader @assetlinecomm thanks to all