#EMWS First pullbacks are usually buyable ow.ly/648x309XsTe 30 minute globex $ES_F 92 resistance ahead of contract high 98.25
Armstrong on stock markets and interest rates ow.ly/bwzr309Xv7O #EMWS
#EMWS need to get paid by 83.5 to 82.25 if early short $ES_F
#EMWS 2379.75 is overnight Angel test, Trailers only beyond if gap player $ES_F
#EMWS magnet 77.75 and more is good fortune $ES_F
RT @TabbLehrkinder Just did a radio show with @AnthonyCrudele which will air on Monday. futuresradioshow.com discussing the FCMs and volume. #FIABoca
#EMWS Bingo 2375 retest, SOC 72.25 ow.ly/uOlv309Ydqq $ES_F
@Tradn500 scene of the crime from yesterday. news initiation move $ES_F
#EMWS 72 support still hanging tough ow.ly/6QXL309YGy9 $ES_F
@DaveL452 #EMWS the game is on ow.ly/2fGg309YHWZ 72 may get tested today or tomorrow $ES_F back and fill, risk /reward idea
@DaveL452 lol yes, can probably skin a few of your golf buddies with that investment
RT @MrTopStep Day after a two day Fed meeting is bad. Down 8 of the last 11. #TODAY #ES_F
#EMWS Time and Price say take what you can and get paid for a day of Labor $ES_F
Today’s challenge for the afternoon shorts was chewing on the #EMWS 5 minute Rain line ow.ly/Iijv309Z1oU $ES_F
RT @MrTopStep Day after a two day Fed meeting is bad. Down 8 of the last 11. #TODAY #ES
Thank You
@lehmanterms @Tradn500 @DaveL452 @Cubby_Blu @shemesht @pipsnticks @BM3D1 @Jersey_Drew thanks to all and have a good night