#EMWS overnight consolidation continues ow.ly/4Pde308prEn $ES_F
@MrTopStep Breakout buyers have been rewarded and are managing profits ow.ly/LRFb308pEKl $ES_F
RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @PivotBoss @MarzBonfire Thank You Renato and #FF back at all of you Great weekend to all
IMHO this is smart weekly traders taking profits after a great run, #EMWS not thinking its a plunge or one way day $ES_F
If we violate T2 at 2285.25 and break 2282 #EMWS is wrong Primary Target is 2287.5 ow.ly/I0Yz308pX4M
#EMWS expected 15 minute Globex to come into play today as part of the normal time/price correction $ES_F ow.ly/dV5P308q6Zo
@LewBowman Thank you Lew. Big Players will square up positions this afternoon, nimble day traders may play small #EMWS Risk 2 make 2
RT @casper409: #FF @SJosephBurns @thewavetrading @MissTrade @PivotBoss @zspb @FuturesTrader71 @MarzBonfire @Ancient_Warrior @FOREX_VALUER
@casper409 Thank You Paolo and #FF back at you and those great traders
Shout out to @SE1_Trading @HamzeiAnalytics @FuturesTrader71 @shenno @AnthonyCrudele @50Pips and @Capt_Tiko #futures #trading $$ #FF
@eminiplayer @TheFibDoctor @TraderSmart @ciscohitt @GIR_TRADING @spz_trader @MissTrade @MrTopStep all great follows Many more out there #FF
Club 200 Morning notes: 5 RTH Rain line is the problem $ES_F ow.ly/H057308qyWS #EMWS system alive and well ow.ly/NlTe308qzg9
Thank You
@SE1_Trading @FuturesTrader71 @MissTrade @casper409 @eminiplayer @JayHill2012 @SJosephBurns @LupeMccredie @clayidus @MarzBonfire @LewBowman @MrTopStep @RenaTrader @pipsnticks thanks to all