#EMWS 9:12 using 15.75 as next key support $ES_F stops down if short trail only
#EMWS 10:34 AM ok if long can trail above 21 $ES_F advised longs stops up and PFS by 2429.5
Intraday 5 rth and usualy 15 to 30 min globex for day traders
#EMWS advised any re entry shorts paid for sure by 23.75 in z pattern $ES_F
#EMWS 2:23 If shorted get 23’s be happy $ES_F
#EMWS eminiwizard [3:14 PM] 21.75 is payday on trailers stops down if short $ES_F protect profits time
very well I think, but I am a bit biased 🙂
Thank You
@pmansfield678 @sanjay @n0etics @RectorRe @JSiedlecki thanks to all