RT @TRADEnPERFORM Nothing to do with trading, but everything to do with happiness. Me & my oldest daughter.
RT @krazytoo $ES_F Join us live FREE for our premarket analysis & trade plan setup @ 8:45 AM ET, global.gotomeeting.com/join/847174069 #ES_F #EMWS
#EMWS 57.25 support for now ow.ly/6NnO30etExV $ES_F
#EMWS Keeping SOC 2468 as key zone ow.ly/VNNl30etH1v $ES_F
#EMWS 9:31 half gap 64.25 $ES_F 9:43 62.25 to 64.75 is pay day if long
#EMWS 10:03 55 to 52 zone next we said 10:10 t1 today is 53.5 $ES_F trailers below 53.5
#EMWS using 48 as next support target $ES_F PFS by 2449 on trailers, stops down if short
#EMWS 10:29 timing trade need a bounce soon $ES_F 10:34 AM paid by 57/58
NQ using 5850 support for temporary profit taking bounce ow.ly/L0HP30eu1zR #EMWS
#EMWS tunnel chart update $ES_F ow.ly/sMSF30eu4wv
#EMWS using the 40.25 to 41.5 zone as Monday gap fill $ES_F
#EMWS risk and reward time so make sure stops down and PFS if short. Mirror day to Monday
Advised #EMWS shorts to make sure stops down/ capture by 2437.5 $ES_F
I have 2424.75 marker near yours Deli
#EMWS 3:19 PM] 30.25 aug 11 low now the key Time and price close all shorts by 2432 advised $ES_F ow.ly/VSLO30eumL2
#EMWS Armstrong debunking Blood Moon analysis ow.ly/AXre30eunY9
#EMWS kudos to anyone who held for 40 point target off globex high $ES_F
and CNN
@AnthonyCrudele 2424.75 target achieved; you have the helm my friend $ES_F
exactly, especially with big tipper like you 🙂
Thank You
@G9899 @BEFREEinFL @abydnave @AnthonyCrudele @Ancient_Warrior @pmansfield678 @STKMTN82 @RectorRe @clayidus @pipsnticks @onefourdroopy @NightOwlTrading @shemesht @Intuitive_Power @jdextras thanks to all