fake shake and bake  60 chart. yesterday’s notes  #EMWS $ES_F video for members in private notes

07:59 Emini Wizard yesterday’s high resistance til broken 60 chart  chat  #EMWS $ES_F

Power charts during news for step by step targets  tunnel vision #EMWS $ES_F

E TV News trading and our thought process. Key we thought was undermining yesterday 53 swing low  #EMWS $ES_F

RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @tradingpoints @BamaTrader @PivotBoss @Nirav777 @MarzBonfire thanks and back at u #FF

@BamaTrader back at u Bama and best for a nice weekend #FF

NQ led the retreat

Happy Easter to all who celebrate.
