Detailed explanations available daily for Traders studying The Navigator Special.
@pipsnticks @ciscohitt @clayidus @DowdEdward thanks to all and any I missed
15 Globex is the #EMWS chart in play ow.ly/rMp6303VYGW Need some players back in town $ES_F
half gap is 2180 and #EMWS traders have been advised to play hit and run if playing in this choppy environment $ES_F
#kiss #EMWS Magnet is 76.5 PFS Hit and run advised $ES_F
#EMWS Rain line is 74.25 trailers capture something by 74/73 $ES_F
#EMWS premarket post to Navigator Special Traders: 68 to 72 is the aggressive support until broken $ES_F Symmetry is a beautiful thing
If playing range always get paid near round trippers, trailers for 84/85 test $ES_F pre market #EMWS: We are still in the BOM bias
#EMWS 5 RTH EOD chart showing today’s tedious Shake and Bake $ES_F ow.ly/Pavw303XkgN keep it simple, easier to react under pressure