@AnthonyCrudele @Tradersmarts @Jersey_Drew @5280_Trader @WatermanLXXIII @PatrickGrattan @Axehead @pipsnticks @WardenGreat @traderoffortune @BEFREEinFL @BrentRShelton @tampasanj @PJSmith @ciscohitt many thanks to all
Chasers today be nimble ow.ly/pDKH304sj5E Using 68 to 72 as resistance, PFS by 65.25 #EMWS days low support for now $ES_F
Traders who missed yesterday’s 35 support idea are most at risk next few days as late Me2 (Me too) buyers $ES_F Playing hit and run advised
I wish I could nail 68 to 72, unfortunately it will be more like 85+ #EMWS My hit and run is on the golf course today. consolidation likely
@AnthonyCrudele is killing it, you should be following him if you want to pick up your game. 2166 test coming up $ES_F
#EMWS as posted target WT1 is 2168, stops up if long $ES_F PFS by the open, trailers only
Trade logic 60 minute Globex ow.ly/6j1w304spw1 $ES_F 15 Globex ow.ly/MIXQ304sq88 #EMWS NS traders review the videos
@AnthonyCrudele lol thank Deli. I’ll be looking for the golf balls you lost last time out…
risk reward time coming up near 72.5, see you on the first tee $ES_F
15 Globex ow.ly/pixg304tJuE consolidation day $ES_F most of the lifting was done overnight in light volume