60 minute Trendline
@mmrkpal thank u . 71 aggressive support now for EOD $ES_F
$ES_F Mulligan Time Old wall st adage: “Dont confuse brains with a bull market” 2187.5 Remains #EMWS next Big Pivot
Beware of alligators when jumping into the NQ water ow.ly/1RAl302XO8v #EMWS
RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @PivotBoss @MarzBonfire / thanks Renato and back at you #FF Hope all is well
BOM shakeout earlier this week fooled a lot of traders I think $ES_F ow.ly/79V7302XMyF #EMWS PFS by 2178 to 2182 summer friday
2178.75 as T2 resistance target now #EMWS
2075 target achieved and git er done is done #EMWS go play $ES_F
RT @e : 1 week ago I told a trader friend of mine I thought we were boxed 2145 to 2175 #EMWS That sequence is done $ES_F / PFS by 72 to 75
@ManOverMarket SOC at 2062 also $ES_F
Sluggish summer trading continues ow.ly/DX7A302Xlpo $ES_F git ‘er done day and go play
now using 58 aggressive support, 72 to 75 as next resistance #EMWS
RT @eminiwizard: Not an easy game. Take chunks out of the swings ow.ly/hG2w302V3Zb 2145 support for now , 65 to 68 next resistance