suggested 08 stop for shorts, trailers after 97.5 short and cover by 93.5 $ES_F longs we had rth IB support 97.5 Half gap 90.75 available

9:27 E and u can try buy 97.5 #EMWS $ES_F 9:57 E shorts using 08/9.25 as stop 12:34] E cover shorts 93.5

10:30 E r/r changing now 10:37 E suggest u cover all by the 08 #EMWS 11:10 E tic divergence and volume divergence near 08 $ES_F

half gap text book from criminal handbook: chase, remember weak hands get washed. rhythm low to hi, so buy pb as scalp for 98 retest $ES_F

14:38 E so my guess bounces to the 98.75 #EMWS 14:41 E either way paid by 99 $ES_F

@Rangemaster39 @pipsnticks @shemesht @Acumatica @sewerpimp thanks all $ES_F

15:42 E 94 mid done #EMWS $ES_F

Levels..  dumping shorts at 82 yesterday not too bad an idea… $ES_F