Levels note the 54 support level posted prior to target achieved
@gb00splusx @WatermanLXXIII @chriskahn @AnthonyCrudele @onefourdroopy @LongTplexTrader @RectorRe @ColdeyesHotfire @MichaelPBreuer @BEFREEinFL @clayidus @ciscohitt @MissTrade @DuckHomer @joshschuler @The_Analyst thanks to all for recent posts on #EMWS stream
8/3/2016 Happy 91st Birthday Hazel
@ColdeyesHotfire July 15 …$ES_F position squaring this afternoon, OP ex Lock profits if any by 48 good fortune closing 46 gap test 45
1 week ago I told a trader friend of mine I thought we were boxed 2145 to 2175 #EMWS That sequence is done $ES_F
@ColdeyesHotfire It takes time to see relationships. Note the neckline break from 7/27/ 7/28 to this am’s 58 break $ES_F be patient learning
RT @HamzeiAnalytics: New HA Blog Post Tuesday August 2, 2016 Morning Comments by Michael Blythe: Good morning bit.ly/2aK9tsz /kudos
#EMWS now using the7/14 low 2142 to 2134 breakout as next support zone $ES_F
@ColdeyesHotfire check out some of my “Friends to Follow” profiled here ow.ly/DJXI302QTFR many great traders with different styles
2152 to 2156.25 keys now and DFD here. Hi and low likely in for the day #EMWS $ES_F
@MissTrade Texas wedge Matt. Years ago a cut shot with sand wedge, stiff wind right to left. putter or hybrid has better odds for me now
@ColdeyesHotfire One of my posts yesterday was a clue for today’s trade sequence ow.ly/fQlR302RF7d with 41.75 support target $ES_F
RT @e : Almost 200 points rally since 1982.5 low June 28 $ES_F 18 day low —->2081.75 <<------ 2187.5 remains as #EMWS next big resistance @MissTrade @BandonDunesGolf gorgeous. I played in the sand last two weeks at Norton Point MV, no carts or clubs though 🙁 @JanSchneider4a @golfspy_dave @BidnAsk @Schmidty73 @BandonDunesGolf @MissTrade @lehmanterms @thalllex @WatermanLXXIII thanks to all @ColdeyesHotfire @pipsnticks @nominalrate @hanskan1 @onefourdroopy @HamzeiAnalytics @shemesht @RDTrader12 thanks to all Armstrong on The Goldman Hill ow.ly/MRXH302SD7j Will be out of the office today, #EMWS use 2149.75 magnet as bull/ bear idea, 58/62 retest zone for aggressive resistance $ES_F @RectorRe thank you Robert , much appreciated @BEFREEinFL Safer walking these days I guess. Thanks and Be Free Think Small MATD and hit and run $ES_F play well =================== @ColdeyesHotfire Not an easy game. Take chunks out of the swings ow.ly/hG2w302V3Zb 2145 support for now , 65 to 68 next resistance Half gap 58 and Yesterday's high 58.25 shorts need to undermine this zone and 2152 as well to neutralize the bounce $ES_F Primary Magnet is 2154.5 $ES_F Gap players PFS if trailer by 2156.25 angel #EMWS @WatermanLXXIII Thank you. I think trading small hit and run ideas may be best $ES_F Bingo 54.5 🙂 $ES_F #kiss @AnthonyCrudele yesterday's middle 2151.75 should be important $ES_F @WatermanLXXIII agree, including our time available to trade as most of us cant / dont want to sit in front of screens all day every day @gb00splusx @gb00splusx nice post, thank u. Working so far 57 is doji day may as well use that idea for bull/ bear now $ES_F