30 min Globex Structure premarket
60 Globex IB Regression Trade into target zone
@BidnAsk @hanskan1 @gb00splusx @ciscohitt @StevenTaggart @Intuitive_Power @willjay @shemesht @RectorRe thanks to all, much appreciated
30 min globex ow.ly/DXfQ303InMg $ES_F Its a great game when we score 5 runs and the other team comes back at us next inning with 4
Reminder to Navigator Special Traders to review my thoughts, videos and charts at your convenience at marketwizardz.com #EMWS $ES_F
overnight angel is 77.5 PFS if playing using yest 82.25 to 84 as nearby resistance $ES_F
risk two make two type trading. be aware of news at 10 ow.ly/2QkV303IFT3 $ES_F PP and rain line at 76.5 #EMWS
@willjay thank u news coming, flat $ES_F
T1 at 74.75 and more is good fortune $ES_F
from morning view Nav Special: The 74/75.25 zone is an important area that needs to be defended by bulls and over run by the bears $ES_F
yesterdays middle 73.38 trailers only below 74 #EMWS $ES_F
Now Re-auctioning yesterday’s fast up $ES_F ow.ly/Zdjp303IMLA 30 chart posted earlier
RT@e : PFS by 2182 if long and anything goes with the squeeze. Odds may change now, but this is git er done week going into holiday $ES_F
74 support being challenged, the rest is up to the Boyz $ES_F Primary target is already hit, missing 1 tic (72.75 is T2 today)
those algos love their dimes $ES_F s1 at 71.25 today
68.75 gap is the teaser, step by step $ES_F Take something out of the market every day if we can #EMWS nice regression trade today
Armstrong on safe bets ow.ly/Tb2v303IUA4 #EMWS
60 Globex Structure ow.ly/8sjQ303IWX4 $ES_F
Fool’s gold in Goldman Sachs ow.ly/NALC303J1Li Armstrong