#EMWS Ain’t no cure for the summer time blues ow.ly/P2Mi30eDXQF $ES_F ow.ly/OUO630eDY3E
#EMWS Day traders step back from 1 minute charts and see patterns ow.ly/ThMN30eDZ3G $ES_F
#EMWS 15 globex any longs paid pre market by 48/52 $ES_F 56.75 still resistance for now ow.ly/MHwy30eE8Tj
#EMWS 9:39 magnet 43.75 paid for sure $ES_F
#EMWS 9:50] gappers stops down 41.25 is gap fill go play golf $ES_F
#EMWS 9:59 37 is xxx 37.25 is angel $ES_F stops down if trailing short
#EMWS 10:23 paid by 42 to 43.75 if long ow.ly/oNNg30eEj6X $ES_F
#EMWS 9:39 magnet 43.75 $ES_F
#EMWS 10:34 so 46/ 47 target as resist $ES_F angel is 40, good fortune below if shorted
#EMWS NQ if short PFS by 5801.25 ow.ly/MAMF30eErOn $ES_F paid by 35 to 2432. Both ends overnight range hit, nasty
#EMWS 2:14 PFS by 36 $ES_F nice rhythm today, which we treated as neutral consolidation day ow.ly/bdhx30eF2mC
Thank You
@TeamDayTrader @IHBDSB @jeffrey_pack @TradingGolie @ES_F__NQ_F @_jmljh @pipsnticks @jakemem77 @mmtrades5643 @jdextras @onefourdroopy @moremtfour @Intuitive_Power @BEFREEinFL @RectorRe @shemesht @hap317 @abydnave @022502 thanks to all