30 Globex support testing 72/73
120 Chart rain line
5 min RTH Thursday
@snackeroo1 @TheFibDoctor @OptiontradinIQ @KimbleCharting @FMarcail @MrTopStep @MissTrade @ATMcharts @davidwazz @FuturesTrader71 @RenaTrader @Markpzx21 @treysdubya @hanskan1 @MarkArbeter @fabiancapital @RectorRe @BEFREEinFL @MarzBonfire @pipsnticks @EtoroCustomers @SE1_Trading many thanks to all
Lots of noise in the market as well as twitter #Theta Burn $ES_F SOC yesterday was 2173 and assumed support zone for now
5 min RTH chart has kept the shorts at bay today ow.ly/qJ0L303mPY7 #Theta burn in op ex $ES_F over trading in quicksand
@MissTrade and back nine 3 under? wtg Matt, beautiful
@MissTrade finish strong. bogeys would have been 79. Mental game like trading, glad u are playing well
RT @SE1_Trading: FF @HamzeiAnalytics @FuturesTrader71 @eminiwizard @shenno #futures #trading $$ / thank you hope all is well & back at u #FF
primary magnet is 74.5, almost tagged overnight. Op ex, summer friday. git ‘er done and go join @MissTrade on the first tee $ES_F
@MissTrade thank u, will use 81 as bull bear line for now, 72/73 important support $ES_F
RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @PivotBoss @MarzBonfire / as always, much appreciated Renato and back at all of you #FF
Hit and run and take what we can day #EMWS ow.ly/XTnV303ooVN trailers below 74 if short
RT @eminiwizard: primary magnet is 74.5 … Op ex, summer friday. git ‘er done and go join @MissTrade on the first tee $ES_F thinking nassau
dipsy doodle ow.ly/C2V2303oF5u $ES_F 30 structure
RT @davidwazz: #FF Huge appreciation and great follows for #es_f @eminiplayer @eminiwizard @RenaTrader @MrTopStep Thank u David
PFS by 81 Its a game but when you understand the rules of the #CriminalHandbook it’s a bit easier ow.ly/Qbad303pbML 5 RTH $ES_F
@MissTrade longs stops up and PFS by 82.75 to 83.25 $ES_F Shorts one the front (overnight), longs winning the RTH (back 9) and now 4 Nassau
Rotating in time @MissTrade and I love stuffed Pork Chops ow.ly/9yHX303pje6 120 Globex $ES_F hit and run/ buy and fold/ wins again
RT @eminiwizard: Lots of noise in the market… #Theta Burn $ES_F SOC yesterday was 2173 and assumed support zone for now / #EMWS #kiss
RT @TheFibDoctor: #FF @andrewnyquist @OptiontradinIQ @KimbleCharting @snyder_karl @ATMcharts @hertcapital @e @MarkArbeter @fabiancapital