@TraderSmarts Thanks Tony. Be satisfied with parts of the move is key. Accepting stop outs and leaving chips on the table is reality $ES_F

$ES_F Like a drunken sailor walking down the street

9:03 E 68 stop if shorting pre market 10:30 E paid for sure trailers 55/54 time and price $ES_F #EMWS

11:01 Zeek everyone wants to short 64.75 you may need to enter a few pts ahead of it $ES_F 9:31 E 51.88 is half gap #EMWS

08:18 E chase trade today has stolen a lot of the range 50 support #EMWS $ES_F be happy at half gap 🙂 more is good fortune

12:04 E thinking we can test 52/50 #EMWS $ES_F step by step

“skill is hitting the ball close to the hole; luck is when it falls in.” $ES_F

Bots mechanical nature are our best friends these days #EMWS $ES_F short zone worked

RT @eminiwizard: 9:03 E 68 stop if shorting pre market 10:30 E paid for sure trailers 55/54 time and price $ES_F #EMWS

take the high odds trades. Over time we will win $ES_F

09:43 Zeek once shorts cover, market should go and test 48, which was …. $ES_F #EMWS Kudos Zeek, MVP onTeam E

60 globex said longs may want to capture near 68  $ES_F #EMWS

IB low 53.75 so 54/56 as aggressive resistance for now $ES_F maybe test 46.75 one more time

14:24 Emini Wizard 44.5 to 43.75 target $ES_F just guessing next targets as best we can

@ciscohitt I guessed confluence of about 3 ideas for the 43.5 target 14:30 E time and price any more short is a gift $ES_F

Humble enough to know this about my ideas 14:54 E stopped clock call was right $ES_F educated guessing

14:53 Emini Wizard 52/55 targ $ES_F

14:20 Emini Wizard need contra by eod 41 angel $ES_F

RT @eminiwizard: IB low 53.75 so 54/56 as aggressive resistance for now $ES_F … #kiss

angel 41 hit. today is “oops” day. day traders out 42/41 #EMWS gap available $ES_F

@tmutoza @ciscohitt thanks for the posts ! $ES_F strange times, but rhythm is rhythm

@ciscohitt @tmutoza @AdaptToReality @onefourdroopy @pipsnticks @RonG2935 thanks all #EMWS

the jibber jabber gurus wanting 2000 still have to trade crazy swings like these. At least I know I am clueless $ES_F lol retesting IB low

@TraderGoalieOne lol and the power of the Boyz to say maybe it’s further away than you think $ES_F

this market teaches all of us humility if nothing else $ES_F almost 20 off the late low

For Team E ow.ly/Ppyor Flat overnight is a good thing #EMWS $ES_F

RT @krazytoo: #ES_F Video of premarket trade plan set up July 9. Levels were excellent #SPY #SPX #EMWS youtu.be/mwksNymggZk?a / #FF pro