2100 testing

Target Line

EOD 10 Globex
@sethdominus1199 @LWinthorpe @verniman @spz_trader @andrewnyquist @Ancient_Warrior @50Pips @TheFibDoctor @RenaTrader @TraderSmarts @CiocaccoCapital @casper409 @krazytoo @waynelord2010 @Jediphone @TrendRambo @BOYWONDERELROY1 @shemesht @mikemast77 @FuturesTrader71 @tomandprisha @OptionTradinIQ @RyanDetrick @sellputs @tinybrow76 @davidwazz @randadtrade @sugardaddyFED @chigrl @Terri1618 @ATMcharts @jwarmack @Mark412NH @Jersey_Drew @Chicagostock @fabiancapital @chriskahn @BrentRShelton @clayidus @Serious_Trader @WatermanLXXIII @MikeDFontaine @onefourdroopy @BEFREEinFL @ciscohitt @RDTrader12 @airvipmrohde @RectorRe @HeidsterTrades @PatrickGrattan @@Investasy @movemarkets @hanskan1 @BidnAsk @gubbmintcheese @CorporateCommie @arne_reabel @cadiz4790 @StevenTaggart @tampasanj @culturetease ColdeyesHotfire @sirdudeness @thalllex @traderstan1 @willsbro1961 @MarcoMNYC @LongTplexTrader @HRobH @dizz1e @Trades2win @Notsilverfox67 @sleepyguy007
@Kasssim thanks to all for recent activity on my stream, much appreciated. Trading is a solitary business and it helps to interact with traders like you.


#FF @MrTopStep @eminiwizard @vader7x @ManOverMarket @sellputs these guys are on a different level. Trade spooz? this is your gang! -spz_trader

People of Integrity who have helped my trading. @AnthonyCrudele @Chicagostock @CiovaccoCapital @ciscohitt @eminiplayer @eminiwizard – waynelord2010

Safe and Happy 4th to all. DFD and enjoy the weekend ! $ES_F

@LWinthorpe i think the Boyz keep squeezes on by protecting those breakouts within a point or so, just something I have noted $ES_F

@sethdominus1199 right, so the 2101 was a symmetry target. Can be guessed, but only known for sure in hindsight $ES_F

@LWinthorpe above it we are still in new territory for today, below it retesting yesterday’s important levels #kiss

Reminder to be aware of yesterday’s high 2091.25 $ES_F

If played the profit taking contra PFS by 2092 $ES_F #EMWS position squaring this afternoon

smart traders long locking profits, unlikely to plunge 92 aggressive support $ES_F

@TheFibDoctor @Jediphone @BamaTrader @50Pips @vader7x @Convertbond @PipCzar @MissTrade @MrTopStep @krazytoo all great follows #FF

@ciscohitt @eminiplayer @GIR_MARKETS @Ancient_Warrior @traderoffortune @tomandprisha @thewavetrading @TraderSmarts @verniman #FF

@RenaTrader @casper409 @AnthonyCrudele @spz_trader @chriskahn @ManOverMarket @PivotBoss @SJosephBurns @FuturesTrader71 @HamzeiAnalytics #FF

RT @thinkcreativect: @NSLCleaders students learn about #inbound to #THINKbig about business entrepreneurship!

120 chart ow.ly/PNpK301Q7TX $ES_F #kiss #EMWS simple but not easy

pattern recognition ow.ly/ztHn301Q6mk #EMWS willing to miss short side until evidence seen Boyz are taking profits $ES_F PFS by 2100

Line of least resistance was up after yesterday’s 2091.25 taken out $ES_F risk reward now near psychology 2100 T2 is 2101.5 #EMWS

T1 2096.5 and trailers above it #EMWS

Target 93.75 achieved and juice for longs above it $ES_F

Using 2088.5 as gap closed idea $ES_F settle was 90.25 and last at 86.5 #EMWS

Using 92/94 as next resistance zone #EMWS 2093.75 is the 78.6% $ES_F overnight symmetry at 91.5 Need the Generals to decide risk reward now

@waynelord2010 very much appreciated to be included in this group and to have helped you in some small way . The journey never ends

RT @waynelord2010: People of Integrity who have helped my trading. @AnthonyCrudele @Chicagostock @CiovaccoCapital @ciscohitt @eminiplayer @e

The Boyz are headin’ to the Hamptons and the JV team is on the field. Git ‘er done and early dismissal 2080 as the bull bear line $ES_F