30 Globex 67 breakout
Thanks to all who posted on my stream today, very much appreciated. Magnet is 65.5 , stay aware of yesterday’s RTH high 67.25 for direction
30 Globex chart in play ow.ly/PQhk301N5ca $ES_F using 67.25 bull bear today for continuation #EMWS tailwind above 51 intact
@WatermanLXXIII The Panama canal trade. Boyz have learned low volume overnight they can lift easier. Cant fight them, be a mercenary $ES_F
@WatermanLXXIII The longs would like 85+ today. Shorts need to stall and undermine 50. Understanding objectives helps $ES_F
@WatermanLXXIII big challenge is choosing when to play. impractical to be here 24 hrs every day. carve what we can out of the day when here
@WatermanLXXIII thanks for sharing, and agreed that level holding helps bulls $ES_F
5 globex for #EMWS fast chart ow.ly/8z38301Naxm $ES_F
RT @TheFibDoctor: $ES_F Daily chart. Trade the chart, not the TV. Notes on chart.
@WatermanLXXIII better take something there at 63/ 62.5 if hit the double top $ES_F
@WatermanLXXIII 1st of month bias cannot be discounted, play the range for now. Convenient trade for me was this am, sleeping at 3 am $ES_F
flat and react to news $ES_F
@arne_reabel @chriskahn 2067.75 is a key before 2085, is it not? and 2050/ 2051 support until broken? nice work #EMWS
news coming, magnet at 2064.5 PFS if short and flat for news #EMWS
At this level market needs more passengers to squeeze higher. First day in last three chasing wasn’t required. Range trading for now #EMWS
@BidnAsk key tell should be the 62 zone for intraday traders today $ES_F
@BidnAsk lol shorts feet on fire walking across the coals 2071.75 demon test stops up if bought 2062$ES_F
today’s PP 2060.5 intact for now #EMWS
juice above 75 PFS 75 to 78 zone stops up to 72 if playing swing $ES_F Lock profits
#EMWS aqueduct traders using 71 support for re entries stops up now to 74.75 trail above 78.25 $ES_F
ring the bell 81 to 85 $ES_F
No chest thumpin’ allowed #EMWS grateful to have read the #criminalhandbook and guess how the Boyz operate $ES_F
RT @eminiwizard: from 7 days ago : bulls need to try and hold 2080, lis 2085// next targets for retesting in bull s* bounce $ES_F
use objective criteria with discipline $ES_F 5 Globex chart ow.ly/Q1Fc301NXHU #EMWS
using 2088 to 2092 as next resistance, any day high is available $ES_F T1 at 2082.5 and T2 at 2091 Must be paid by 2085 if long #EMWS
@investasy thank you. DFD (Done for Day) Play well everyone thanks for your posts etc #EMWS #BREXIT your gifts by 2085, good fortune above
RT @HamzeiAnalytics: GOT PMT? 2nd #SPX targets exceeded price goes up 20% tonight hamzeianalytics.com/Proactive_Mark…
67.25 support move stops up and manage for EOD #EMWS $ES_F
Getting back to my desk and see it taken to the limits…one more time $ES_F The Eagles ow.ly/Xskq301OTGA know thy opponent’s agenda
Why do you care if its manipulated if you have the Boyz playbook? join ’em don’t fight them #EMWS T2 hit at 2091 for EOM dressing
RT @ManOverMarket: #ES_F AWESOME DAY! manovermarket.com/2016/06/30/es_… / nice plan Lewis. kudos
Thanks to all for your posts etc. Much appreciated, too busy to thank you personally. Trip to emergency room with 94 yr old mom, all ok
@Jediphone Thanks as always Jed
@Serious_Trader Thank you Mr Singh