sharp bounce as expected  levels #EMWS $ES_F

@ManOverMarket nice recap/ plan $ES_F

spyro gyra and morning dance  $ES_F MATD played out nicely into the invisible hand

08:47 E plan is be conservative hit bounce for MATD dont be surprised if boyz put up fight $ES_F 09:43 E put $ in pocket go play golf

09:44 E do not complain about fast profits. no heat today. bang and done. $ES_F

09:29 E buy pb today may produce just as good result as hit bounces $ES_F 10:26 E expecting test of 8 to11 before day over #EMWS

09:53 E rr comes in at the 98 so buy zone big boy is 98/02 $ES_F

Double toppers PFS by 03 /2.75  $ES_F

day opened 1.25 so good place for capturing some trailers. paying attention to 99 yest low #EMWS $ES_F

11:37 E magnet 7.88 i think we get another reasonable short this is consolidation #EMWS $ES_F

draw downs of 9 points to make 2 more dont make sense, do they? $ES_F “let it come to you”

13:17 E: have one more chance today for short to work after 2 maybe

13:41 E manage under 02 trail and tight stop for that lower gap close 97.75 $ES_F 99 first

13:18 E then possible to get that 95 #EMWS $ES_F

stops down into t1 95, trailers are hailers #EMWS $ES_F less than 1 m contracts again

gap 89.25 next big carrot 12:47 E t1 95.25 and t2 89.25 $ES_F use t1 first/ step by step #EMWS

ill gotten gains of the longs since last friday finally erased  #EMWS $ES_F 12:45 E so 92 a possibility

spittin distance to the 50 back (1 point) and LYH 88.75, gap 89.25 $ES_F Paid for sure if short by 92

NFLX for chicken littles  #EMWS

@krazytoo no idea. we talked about the 92.75 prior support low this am as 1% move target  $ES_F

retest 98/99 and why not ? #EMWs $ES_F day low may be in now

fading 89 gap first time back almost always a better play than trying for last 3 points. risk reward idea. 99 retest = 5 to 6 points $ES_F

@krazytoo great trade for t1 95 target Doug. TMM 91.5 we thought would hold, 89 stop for buys $ES_F #EMWS

RT @AnthonyCrudele: $NQ_F only one of big three not to fill in gap from Sunday open 4496.25 $ES_F / smart trader #FF

@sewerpimp @canuk1 @krazytoo @NarcissisTrader @BamaTrader @LongTplexTrader thanks all #EMWS