08:15 E fading the resistance zone 20 drop if doesnt work 08:57 E bingo a and d #EMWS $ES_F
08:52 E one legged stools with termites leave me with little confidence 08:15 E fading the resistance zone 20 drop if doesnt work $ES_F
10:07 E 20 bangers think small 10:01 E target zone 10 /12.5 10:27 E gap close a hope on a wing a wish and a prayer $ES_F
RT @BamaTrader: Looking for 2109.50 #ES_F // 09:34 E like to see the 9.5 hit today actually #EMWS 11:28 E 10.75 is t1 // risk reward now
08:19 E cannot get sucked into fantasy island 08:18 E i dont like this formation too contrived $ES_F
risk and reward comes in jammin #EMWS $ES_F