10 RTH Support, Yesterday’s Angel 86.75
10 RTH Updated
@pipsnticks @davidwazz @PatSantucci1 @NTEcosystemRyan @AnthonyCrudele @sellputs @clayidus @chriskahn @BEFREEinFL @brendan5858 @rgilmore1321 @investasy @TheFibDoctor @WealthyDropout @IndexTrading @Serious_Trader @RectorRe thanks all
The Pipe ow.ly/l11W300Q7mg relative strength in the 456 trade $ES_F
RT @TheFibDoctor: $ES_F 1st support = 2091.25 Room open to public today 9:15 am zoom.us/j/5824521846 go visit
@TheFibDoctor back at u Doc
Primary Magnet (PM) is 92.5, PFS if short $ES_F accumulate seed capital premarket
Stops down $ES_F time and price at the double if u have it #EMWS
Stop run may be coming ow.ly/n7vh300QkXD $ES_F
10 RTH yesterday’s Angel test is 86.75 $ES_F ow.ly/L6fr300Qyj7
RT @eminiwizard: Primary Magnet (PM) is 92.5 PFS if short $ES_F accumulate seed capital premarket /if long PFS 92.5 to 94.5 trail only above
“When we accept that we will not get every point out of every swing, life as a trader gets easier”. (Not easy). #EMWS catch pieces
OEX ow.ly/n9y8300QJTJ be consistent in tools used to analyze markets #EMWS
RT @AnthonyCrudele: @spz_trader @sellputs It was great having you both on #FuturesRadio … #oil #ES_F / listened at lunch great stuff guys
PFS by 2101.25 if long trailers only above $ES_F #EMWS
risk reward time #EMWS T1 2101.75 and T2 2105.25 stops up longs $ES_F 95 as aggressive support for the close
Using 2105.75 as resistance target for the close $ES_F
First of month bias continues today $ES_F After the shake we baked all day long, no evidence of a Big Boyz rotation short #EMWS
10 RTH updated ow.ly/sMAd300RqVi $ES_F got above PP and squeezed #EMWS