Content to say I have no clue where market is going. You be the guru, I will make educated guesses $ES_F
The Sting $ES_F
Boyz got ’em both ways lower high lower low $ES_F #EMWS
old timers used to say “Let it come to you”. Chasers usually get caught up in emotion and forget trade logic $ES_F
14:50 Emini Wizard say yeehaa at 08/07 $ES_F
13:55 E boyz are more crooked than route 7 14:26 E that means could retest 7 if high in $ES_F
14:07 Emini Wizard squeeze pivot is 11.25; til that goes, longs in control $ES_F
@soolebop absolutely… but traders are not journalists as much as they are traders. help with ideas, focus on executing strategy $ES_F
08:35 Zeek411 first of month bias will trap shorts 09:34 Emini Wizard shorts get their turn being trapped today $ES_F
you can either be a journalist and tell everyone where market is… or see the targets coming and make $$$ your choice $ES_F
12:39 Emini Wizard so get 15/16 be happy 12:52 Emini Wizard capture 15.5 yest demon 15.75 $ES_F
11:53 E market trying to re establish itself as viable to buy pb 12:06 E trailers after 14.25 $ES_F
09:26 Emini Wizard hit one or two bounces day expect to get head taken off 2 way day assumed should get decent swings both directions $ES_F
09:48 E second mouse one eye on cheese and one eye on cat 10:14 E: a winner $ES_F
9:34 E shorts get their turn being trapped today $ES_F half gap longs paid by 9.5
09:50 E i think 96 = xx more than that good fortune first time here cover and if buy use 92 stop 10:00 E half gap is 06.75 as resistance
RT @krazytoo: #ES_F Trade levels & chart for today’s RTH done live in premarket #ES_F #EMINI #FT71 Please retweet
08:35 Emini Wizard paid into 07 #EMWS $ES_F umbrella trade
@TRADEnPERFORM back at u. Wear one hat $ES_F “Know one thing well” #EMWS globex charts
08:19 Emini Wizard 98 cover $ES_F
Each chart has it’s own story to tell … $ES_F
Levels pre market angels and demons $ES_F