15 Globex Pre market

60 chart retesting pennant breakout

Testing Friday’s low 84 intact

30 minute Globex

30 Globex updated

Armstrong on Brexit


@Jediphone @BEFREEinFL @eminiplayer @codytrades85 @clayidus @abuelneef @shemesht @pipsnticks @RectorRe thanks to all


@Jediphone 🙂 thanks Jedi. As a trader, intuition is a powerful ally when grounded with objective criteria. good night all #EMWS

Latest blog post: S and T ow.ly/1O2c300JGku $ES_F

15 Globex ow.ly/18Hp300KJXn soft MATD idea, paying attention to Friday’s high as a guide $ES_F

@codytrades85 Awesome! Like golf repeat it. “Dont try to hit it harder or softer, the ball is just there in the middle of a good swing”.

I mentioned this formation, a potential test zone in an exclusive video I made for #Club5000 ow.ly/S4GC300LwPf $ES_F

@eminiplayer lol Awais. in CT for a bit to catch up with family including mom who is 94+ and 5 trouble makers under nine 🙂 be well

Friday’s low being attacked, 98 intact now as guide $ES_F PFS by 88/ 87.5 if short #EMWS

98 as guide ow.ly/JThq300LK1K $ES_F 30 min Globex ow.ly/7etk300LKs6 #EMWS 83.5 as support for now

@BEFREEinFL roflmao…now that’s living dangerously NQ near big number 4500 make sure careful near 85 $ES_F

@BEFREEinFL armstrong ow.ly/iZtS300LQ9m stiff upper lip Brits ow.ly/tGsF300LT8z take one for the gipper #EMWS

30 Globex updated ow.ly/yv9z300MjPT hope that alligator didn’t nip you… $ES_F

The Navigator Special #EMWS ow.ly/6Epo300MnqH Take a step closer towards your trading goals and think Like an Algo $ES_F