@eminiwizard Not sure your waiver would allow for someone your age to drink and ride the @golfboard

@eminiwizard by the way it is @GolfBoards really the first great new innovation for the game in years

@eminiwizard I don’t have time to play, actually haven’t even thought of the game since October, 4 kids playing lax will swing that thought

@eminiwizard maynard was born same time as me i sure never heard of it until today. I made 7 trips to socal this fall and winter w no clubs

@eminiwizard kids super busy playing lacrosse , hoops, football, music and college a year away for 1st , so lots of moving parts, no time


“embrace kindred spirits”

Home on the range ow.ly/LnDYO #EMWS $ES_F

Armstrong on banking ow.ly/LnH1u good read #EMWS $ES_F

Hopium didn’t help much over night 78 intact. if pajama player should be taking profits  #EMWS $ES_F

@eminiwizard LOL pajama player haha .. isn’t that all day? Oops giving myself away! #becomfortable #EMWS

@TraderSmarts lol Tony . Better not be sitting at a desk wearing a tie #EMWS

gap traders accept gift  nice way to start the day #EMWS $ES_F

09:02 E so paid for sure 72 #EMWS $ES_F deja vu all over again 08:33 E i have no grandiose idea that i know which way its going

08:33 E happy to catch a few pieces of the swings #EMWS $ES_F

@TraderSmarts market opening soon.. jammies off. did u ever see a llama? #EMWS (wearing a pajama…down by the bay)

08:09 E looks like that 70 low is now the driver 08:19 E thinking today we get another test of the 81 so dont be too agg short #EMWS $ES_F

09:33 E stops up paid for sure 79.5 stop run for 82 cover all but trailers #EMWS $ES_F

9:50 E 74.5 scene of crime yesterday and globex mid 9:51 E paid for sure by 74.5 if short #EMWS $ES_F 09:54 E trail only for deja vu 74/72

range it was plan til proven otherwise  08:24 E and range trade in pattern til get new info #EMWS $ES_F RPG pattern

RT @PipCzar: @spz_trader @AnthonyCrudele @ManOverMarket @eminiwizard near #EMWS this box for now   $ES_F

Just trying for pieces of the swings… trapped longs we felt so try hitting bounce  #EMWS $ES_F

08:10 E angel 68.75 #EMWS $ES_F

09:55 E trapped longs now 10:25 E primary is down #EMWS $ES_F 10:42 E i like the rejection of the 81 as sweeper trade then tackle support

10:42 zeek411 IB targets are 66.5 and xxx #EMWS $ES_F knocked out both ends of overnight range. the Boyz are good

range trading still  10:08 E market is killing traders who want breakout or breakdown #EMWS $ES_F

08:27 Emini Wizard i was suggesting think play outside in #EMWS $ES_F til proven otherwise why not? can at least trade with small stops

08:17 Emini Wizard 73.75 still magnet #EMWS $ES_F

RT @BamaTrader: Opening up our @BamaPrivate LIVE Screen / Chatjoin.me/363-209-314 #EMWS roll tide

12:37 Emini Wizard flexible range traders been making a bundle #EMWS $ES_F

RT @ManOverMarket: #ES_F day mode 2074.50 / that’s also the scene of the crime yesterday #EMWS

13:10 E squeeze pattern 14:37 E above 74 market trying to bounce  trailers only above 81

jammie traders  lol demon/ stops knocked out  83.5 is t1 today #EMWS $ES_F

Target 83.5 achieved, T2 88.75 not yet  #EMWS $ES_F risk reward time

Retest 82/81.5 ow.ly/LpiYZ first pb ususally buyable dont think plunge #EMWS $ES_F

E TV (video) live #EMWS $ES_F target 87/88  clues were there jammie traders get there jammy!

It’s a business. No gloating, its unprofessional. #EMWS $ES_F angels and demons

@canuk1 thanks Tom 🙂 #EMWS $ES_F


Step by step, the market reveals its truth…