#EMWS review from yesterday is clear 90.25 to 91.75 target not yet achieved; 81 support intact $ES_F start with that premise first
#EMWS Would be nice to see some backing and filling, no evidence of that yet $ES_F
overnight range very small. I think its possible to take out both sides by EOD. thinking small $ES_F
RT: David Busick @TheFibDoctor $ES_F $NQ_F $YM_F $ZB_F Room open to public today: mailchi.mp/d18077943768/s…
An Eagle, especially on a par 3. We choose our destiny
RT @SeeitMarket NEW Blog – “S&P 500 Futures Trading Update: Bullish But Tired” seeitmarket.com/sp-500-futures… by @AnneMarieTrades $SPY $ES_F $CL_F
Greater fool theory is always alive and well until the bubble pops
I assume I know far less than you or anyone else and will remain humble. thanks for sharing your thoughts
#EMWS 88.5 is yesterday’s demon tested, paid for sure if long $ES_F
#EMWS Using 10 min RTH chart today ow.ly/Qu9a30bbXRE $ES_F
#EMWS Primary Trade longs Paid by 90.25 to 91.75 and trail only for 93.75 WT 4 ow.ly/trD630bc5Oh $ES_F
#EMWS Predictive chart ow.ly/suEk30bc7MP stops up to 87.5 if position/ swing long $ES_F Primary trade likely done
#EMWS Paid by 87.5 to 86.5 for sure if hit contra $ES_F
#EMWS If the market gives us a gift, take it and say thank you $ES_F
RT @Samir_Madani #OOTT is The (Hashtag) Organization of Oil-Trading Tweeters and TankerTrackers.com is a FREE website offering DAILY updates on #OIL!
#EMWS 93.75 resistance either holds or doesn’t now, tight stops for any shorts $ES_F
#EMWS Range trade the zone until another idea comes along $ES_F ow.ly/KJy030bcrQn
#EMWS Shook out both ends of overnight range #ES_F typical nasty play by the Boyz ow.ly/xB6y30bcJKu NQ nice clue
Thank You
@MissTrade @HF_Trader @RectorRe @TraderSmarts @pipsnticks @shemesht @BEFREEinFL @Tradn500 @YoungWallSt @clayidus @kiwitrader24 @jsfalvo @LewBowman @EdFWI @D_K_bme thanks to all and any I missed