
bump and run on the #EMWS 30 globex $ES_F

LIVE #TraderBite @ 9AM New York Time. Trading plan for today. #FT71 #ES_F PLEASE RT

#EMWS 5 min backed by the 30 Globex $ES_F paid into the 78/ 82 next resistance zone if long

WT3 is 2384.75 , so trailers if long paid by 85/86 $ES_F 76 now aggressive support

#EMWS T1 today is 2386 achieved; 88 to T2 2392 now next resistance $ES_F time for golf or a swim if got the morning thrust

We were almost 40 points above Friday’s close and #EMWS thought risk and reward time near $ES_F any re entries must stand on their own

Our #EMWS Step by step system identifies logical next targets $ES_F The Professional Edge

#EMWS Stops up to 83.5 now if long $ES_F 1 min chart RTH Paid for sure by 88 to 2392 T2

#EMWS Target 90.25 to 2391.75 is doable today but risk reward is the challenge $ES_F using 2381 as aggressive support now

right. time for the pool. note first 40 mins of RTH was the thrust, then tight chop retest 82, then squeeze again. thank u Jay

@JayHill2012 @Tradn500 @clayidus @tstolar76 @shemesht @asoup322 @BrentRShelton @wfjp @pipsnticks @HF_Trader @STKMTN82 @martinkosciuch thanks to all