nice bounce  all about that 92 now #EMWS $ES_F

30 globex perspective  #EMWS $ES_F

8:46 E: shorts couldnt do anything wrong friday today will need at least 2 to 3 tries 9:42 E there is no safe short today #EMWS $ES_F

9:40 E will try buying pb as long as 81 angel intact 9:45 E using 98 stop IB // odds idea nothing more #EMWS $ES_F

Market reversals inside large one way day always tough  #EMWS $ES_F  high may not be in yet

Just a tough day for action/ reaction  #EMWS  $ES_F RT E: “guess its all about that 92

Just an odds idea  #EMWS Teamwork   $ES_F  angels and demons

The Swing charts helped see idea of stretched and profit taking expected EOD  #EMWS $ES_F

@tomandprisha @juicemann2 @TheFibDoctor @BamaTrader @traderoffortune @Jediphone @SpiderTrades thanks all #EMWS $ES_F

fast chart globex  #EMWS $ES_F market was a few points stronger than we expected as highest odds for today’s high

Grease is the word  #EMWS  $ES_F  Valli with an i. “A life of illusion…”

Shorts turn to cry foul today  #EMWS $ES_F Page 62 in the Options expiration criminal handbook.