@traderoffortune “what the lord giveth the lord taketh away” -Job 1: 21

nothing is real in the futures markets except headfakes, taxes, commissions, expenses, maybe a bit of profits  $ES_F

8:36 E inside day expected 8:37 E range trade 87.5 support til broken 8:54 E yest buys were weak hands now sells are weak hands #EMWS $ES_F

longs cackle at the tops of ranges and shorts near the bottom #EMWS $ES_F 9:03 E shorts way ahead of selves

11:10 Emini Wizard longs trying for gap, 2101.25 to 2101.5 #EMWS $ES_F more is good fortune

14:59 E doji test 1.5 $RS_F wac a mole   chart angels and demons  chart scene of crime

Overnight Gap at 2101.25

Inside day  and a few thoughts  #EMWS $ES_F

Always time for a little music.. going in circles -F.O.D.  #EMWS $ES_F

I wish I was a speed reader. Armstrong. Lengthy but informative. Storm clouds on the horizon #EMWS $ES_F