Neckline, no spaghetti on 15 globex
Wouldnt it Be nice Cryptic spoiler: Break 71
@MissTrade @MrTopStep @BrentRShelton @PivotBoss @TheFibDoctor @RenaTrader @Ch2Christo @tomandprisha @verniman @hertcapital @eminiplayer @davidwazz @RanchoDinero @casper409 @BEFREEinFL @RectorRe @andrewnyquist @atlee11 @ATMcharts @chriskahn @JonGuirl @Jediphone @ES_F__NQ_F @i_like_kites @SJosephBurns @MarkArbeter @options911 @ciscohitt @waynelord2010 @TradingPoet @RobPaul @Precog1982 @onefourdroopy @PMSInvestor @StockSurfer10 @gb00splusx @ESMarketProfile @Stevie118 @AnthonyCrudele
Hootsuite not sending any emails notifying me of likes, etc. Apologies & thanks to all for your retweets, comments, likes etc. no clue why
@BEFREEinFL @MissTrade @GIR_MARKETS @PeterMDrake @JonGuirl thank u
@JonGuirl I think they wait until next week to unwind. May start tomorrow but doubtful. Gotta bust 62 and knock out last 2 days of buyers
@BEFREEinFL On creativity: don’t fix what’s not broken reality is scratches and dead ends part of trading. thank u
@Jersey_Drew @clayidus @gubbmintcheese @futdxxktrade @Intuitive_Power @pipsnticks @JPaManOMarket @BrentRShelton @ciscohitt @BidnAsk thank u
@gb00splusx @WillHumphreys @PatrickGrattan @shemesht @50Pips and any I missed thank u. Went to twitter to find these, old school.
overnight range well controlled and tested magnet 72.75 $ES_F 15 min globex in play
15 Globex #ES_F Chaotic action is preferable to orderly inaction. – Will Rogers #EMWS
RT @ciscohitt: @ciscohitt and they may just be testing this Wkly lvl again from above. love to see 68 tested today
@ciscohitt @PMSInvestor thanks for input. Longs will NOT come out unless forced out. I would like to see more balance & profit taking $ES_F
@ciscohitt reposting what I see as bigger ideas $ES_F
will need several entries today as well if playing. save some powder after java, 915 report
using 68 support for profit taking ahead of 9 15 news $ES_F range trading
get on scoreboard and nothing fancy $ES_F demon 79 and angel 72.5
75.75 as agg resistance pre market $ES_F
5 Globex $ES_F
RT @eminiwizard: 75.75 as agg resistance pre market $ES_F / PFS by 75.75 if long convenient trade a winner
Icing on the cake stops up nothing fancy gap 77.25 $ES_F
LWH was 71.5 and that breakout needs to be broken first before anything else #NotYet $ES_F
Small edges in timing and trade location can make your day. If cant find or miss them, stay sideline $ES_F get paid for taking risk
RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @tradingpoints @PivotBoss @MarzBonfire / thank u Renato #FF Nice accumulation methodology
IB I think Risk 2 make 2 or 3. Under 79 ok for shorts. Need re entries in chop if playing. 5 RTH $ES_F
@RenaTrader You have been great friend all these years, same to you Renato
@MrTopStep lol now I am suddenly ravenous. I’ll bring the beer
PFS by 72.75 if Hit the Gap $ES_F Best odds 76/78 for the Angel Test
RT @e: overnight range well controlled and tested magnet 72.75 … / trades work or they dont. catch pieces and accumulate $ES_F
Beach Boyz Wouldn’t it Be Nice … $ES_F
@MrTopStep lol that’s where I grew up and belong ๐
Need some luck now if want more short side. $ES_F timing not great for shorts
RT @casper409: #FF @SJosephBurns @thewavetrading @e @MissTrade @PivotBoss @zspb @FuturesTrader71 @MarzBonfire @Ancient_Warrior @FOREX_VALUER
@casper409 Thank you Paolo, much appreciated and back at you #FF Great traders in that group
RT @TheFibDoctor: #ff @RyanDetrick @andrewnyquist @OptiontradinIQ @KimbleCharting @snyder_karl @ATMcharts @hertcapital @e @MarkArbeter
@TheFibDoctor thanks Doc, Ya’ll have a great day and back at u #FF smart traders in that group
Longs had a great week, I was hoping some small profit taking. They wont come out until forced out $ES_F Op ex
Theta Burn and gap fill 1 tick remaining $ES_F ugly day
No primi chops not my taste either $ES_F
@BEFREEinFL crazy day. Thank u and great weekend to u
RT @ciscohitt: @BEFREEinFL @RanchoDinero @eminiwizard Have a great weekend. / back at u kid
@MissTrade Spring Skiing bunny hill today with rope tow
24.5 points on Monday and today cant get ten. what’s wrong with this picture… #criminal handbook.
RT @MissTrade: Reminder, we’re going to be live on @TopstepTrader squawk radio at the top of the hour.
@eminiplayer nice read. I would eat more pizza, read more books, eat less dumplings. the big stuff he’s got right ๐
traders with memory issues reminder 72.75 is today’s magnet $ES_F risk 2 make 2 or 3 if playing $ES_F
get to 70.25 and all stops down if short rain line test $ES_F
@Jediphone The Professional $ES_F
Position squaring this afternoon soft day $ES_F
yest globex low 68.5 intact for now $ES_F inside day
@PivotBoss Back at u Boss and much appreciated #FF great weekend
RT @tomandprisha: @PivotBoss @MrTopStep @FuturesTrader71 @verniman @RenaTrader @e @marketminute @SunriseTrader @Chicagostock Best of Best !
@tomandprisha Thank u Tom much appreciated ๐ #FF back at you
@verniman thanks and day after day a great follow #FF
RT @eminiwizard: using 68 support for profit taking ahead of 9 15 news $ES_F range trading / now important for EOD keep profits if any
OEX 30 #EMWS not #marketprofile Just Luck E
PFS if long by 75.75 same as this morning $ES_F leave it be and start the weekend early
Pivot, s1, r1 old school not too bad $ES_F
probably easier to close the gap than make new low now i think, Sideline, done for day
@3FACESOFAST Thanks for your opinion. Please show me a few of your charts, and define “much lower” prices so we are both on the same page