@MissTrade the dipsy doodle below yest low was the inv head, then MBO when 56.25 went and 68.75 got beat $ES_F

@MissTrade lol You could give me a stroke a hole and I still couldn’t beat you

15 min globex ow.ly/YXb3h $ES_F

@pm1889 thank you for your posts

@pm1889 1923 was the key pivot $ES_F

RT @eminiwizard: 78.25 to make it even 40 $ES_F still time / 🙂 think like an algo and you will likely be a better trader #EMWS

78.25 to make it even 40 $ES_F still time

@MissTrade 🙂 Not with your game I am sure $ES_F

@MissTrade one way up days are hard. Like losing 10 with 8 to go on the course $ES_F Remember what that felt like?

@spz_trader nice target RTH +40 $ES_F time for a swim

68.75 breakout intact , 66.25 support until broken $ES_F

RT @MrTopStep: @e exactly right 1 to 3 if ur lucky $ES_F days like this we will be stopped out 5 x before being right 1 x if fight it

5.5 point pullback, largest of the day after bull/bear 43.5 low and 55 profit taking $ES_F Bucket shop close (margin calls)

RT @pm1889: @e For sure this is very overdone.. yes, but closing 83.25 gap may be in a target $ES_F 2010 also open ow.ly/YWUUm

@pm1889 two or three great buy setups for algos today that worked 23, 38, 43/44 $ES_F 61/62 much harder time and price but algos dont care

@pm1889 smart day traders are taking profits. Have to use 78 as resistance target this late in day $ES_F

RT @spz_trader: $ES_F 30m – Key level at 1977 and trgt going into the close cc: @eminiwizard @AnthonyCrudele @ManOverMarket @sewerpimp

Wind was at my back and I crushed them. #EMWS new members read the script for Rabid dog day $ES_F

3:29 E: RT @e Technically shouldn’t cover if not stopped out but hitting a few golf balls this afternoon ow.ly/YWoxz T2 today is 74.75


Time to whack a few golf balls in the water $ES_F live to fight another day

@jvick7575 Just trying to pass along some ideas learned along the journey for those just starting 🙂 u welcome $ES_F

Details of the Rabid Dog Day found in the member site ow.ly/YWBnE lock by 72 if long $ES_F 50 points off the overnight low

Stop ow.ly/YWzYy $ES_F

Technically shouldn’t cover if not stopped out but hitting a few golf balls this afternoon ow.ly/YWoxz T2 today is 74.75

use stop 72 if want to try lunch contra $ES_F must have profits from long side willing to risk

Team #EMWS print it out and file it under BOM/ rabid dog day / 3rd time thru/ jump the creek trade ow.ly/YWiyx

@MrTopStep in a rabid dog day wont get more than 2 or 3 usually then maybe 5 to 7 max until market finally takes profit taking swing $ES_F

sidelined and time to relax. Primary trade done $ES_F too hot to short and expect much

RT @verniman: #ES_F Balance at 1966 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcegQJ7WIAI-qrY.jpg/ using 66 now as next resistance target. any day high in rabid dog day BOM

RT @eminiwizard: 5 RTH ow.ly/YW0u6 $ES_F trailers only past 53.25 #EMWS 58/62 as back end resistance targets 61.25 T1 /achieved

Timing trade paid for sure on trailers by T1 61 or 11:45 EST $ES_F stops up if long #EMWS taking break

yesterday’s post. yesterday’s resistance becomes today’s targets $ES_F #EMWS

RT @e:I thought if 43/42 zone held we could test 55/58. Lower odds for the 58 but doable determined pre market ow.ly/YTb5X $ES_F

@rich_trader Amen. This is a hard business as u know. Any time we can scrape something out of the market I feel lucky $ES_F still learning

Not expecting a repeat of yesterday’s afternoon reversal $ES_F take what u can day for shorts

RT @e:Using 43/44 as bull bear line and thinking small as suggested $ES_F hit and run but r/r not very good (stolen range) dont force trades

RT @eminiwizard: Not feeling a lot of love for the short side today $ES_F Will think small hit and run for IB and work around news at 10

RT @eminiwizard: Team #EMWS 38.5 is TWM and needs beating for more. Reminder news coming $ES_F get to half gap will be a miracle

15 globex ow.ly/YW3Kf 60 globex ow.ly/YW3Yu Had a feeling shorts were going to be squeezed this morning $ES_F

Inside day first idea is 56.25 $ES_F stop run maybe later #EMWS if given a gift take it

5 RTH ow.ly/YW0u6 $ES_F trailers only past 53.25 #EMWS 58/62 as back end resistance targets 61.25 T1

RT @eminiwizard: 23 intact for now ow.ly/YVvC0 first of month bias make sure PFS by 52/53 if bought #ES_F

RT @livesquawk: .@MrTopStep To Hold A Special Trading Webinar On 2nd Mar. Sign Up Now So You Don’t Miss Out!! mrtopstep.omnovia.com/register/63371…

Using 43/44 as bull bear line and thinking small as suggested $ES_F hit and run but r/r not very good (stolen range) dont force trades

Read the #criminalhandbook all I can say $ES_F my friend zeek wrote the book

RT @FuturesTrader71: WEBINAR: Open AMA Thursday @ 12 PM CT/ 1 PM EST PLEASE RT:
attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/55847… #FT71 #ES_F

@TraderSmarts thank you Tony much appreciated

15 globex ow.ly/YVSgL $ES_F #EMWS flat for news. Be consistent and accumulate profits. Spread out risk throughout the day

Team #EMWS 38.5 is TWM and needs beating for more. Reminder news coming $ES_F get to half gap will be a miracle

RT @AnthonyCrudele: #ES_F first hour close below 1946.75 indicates test of 1935; may not be a lot but thats the look

9:42 E: Gifts below 38/ 37 Half gap is 36.75 and likely support for profit taking $ES_F

RT @e 38/42 as aggressive support needs to get beat for now $ES_F thinking small if play pre market. will play it as inside day first #EMWS

Dont overtrade this open #EMWS we dont have to be in the market all the time $ES_F If short and get 40 PFS

Not feeling a lot of love for the short side today $ES_F Will think small hit and run for IB and work around news at 10

Team #EMWS Note the 22/23 support zone mentioned yesterday ow.ly/YVJwv Use Base ideas until they are no longer valid $ES_F

RT @e I thought if 43/42 zone held we could test 55/58. Lower odds for the 58 but doable determined pre market ow.ly/YTb5X $ES_F

Team #EMWS note the current chart in play ow.ly/YVHmQ $ES_F

5 RTH ow.ly/YVESa $ES_F

yest middle is 41.5 and if the Boyz are going to be jammin shorts then this agg zone wont be easy to break $ES_F

RT @TraderSmarts: Have you got our 7 rules for trading? You should! They are FREE and will save you money: tradersmarts.net

5 globex ow.ly/YVBTl hard work this morning for a few crumbs $ES_F hit and run get on the scoreboard if u can PFS by 40 magnet

7:53 E: 38/42 as aggressive support needs to get beat for now $ES_F thinking small if play pre market. will play it as inside day first #EMWS

RT @jotuk6771: fx-panorama, le Journal is out! paper.li/jotuk6771/fx-p… Stories via @eminiwizard @Energy_Risk / thank u !

Using 48/52 as stop zone premarket thinking small for seed capital $ES_F

7:34 E: 23 intact for now ow.ly/YVvC0 first of month bias make sure PFS by 52/53 if bought #ES_F

Notes posted today archived for study ow.ly/YUzKg $ES_F #EMWS