15 min premarket jump the creek
Position only traders have no clue that day traders can make 2 to 3 x the points by understanding timing and sequence trading.
120 structure highlighting the breakout
Lower highs all day
Today was Taylor Day Three
MM Primary Resistance Automatically calculated for #EMWS Students
15 RTH looking ahead, assumed support for a day trader is identified as 42
We use objective criteria, step by step, rather than clichés and vague generalities. You can too once you know The Emini wizard System.
15 RTH Closing Funnel identified
Precision Trading swing by swing intraday
Structure repeat the concepts over and over
A few detailed snapshots of the spread sheets were provided to #EMWS members
good morning staying aware of yesterday’s high today. 70.75 to 72 resistance 58.5 next support target $ES_F
using 64 as aggressive resistance pre market. Robots are unemotional dont care where they buy. Dont play if u dont like the setup $ES_F
15 globex http://ow.ly/YMJmH No man’s land being re- auctioned http://ow.ly/YMJBK hit and run day if playing $ES_F
If get 56 be happy if short, more is good fortune right now $ES_F
RT @e using 64 as aggressive resistance pre market. Robots are unemotional dont care where they buy Dont play if u dont like the setup $ES_F
So if long PFS by 64, juice above it Demon is 67.25 $ES_F
Chunk it http://ow.ly/YMRSc guess small ranges and catch a slice or two. Paying attention to support in uptrends $ES_F
Aggressive traders will try shorts near 65/67.25 normally so if buy make sure get paid before there is conservative, partial idea $ES_F
MBO mode. Multiple breakouts. Problem today is +30 already from that 38 breakout. Being conservative today, especially long side. $ES_F
Hit and run all we can do in this crazy market $ES_F PFS by 59
No worries if missed. We will leave chips on table and miss trades. Inevitable, $ES_F
Got enough? go play. $ES_F
RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @tradingpoints @PivotBoss @MarzBonfire thank you Rena and back at you and these traders #FF
55.25 half gap identified as a support target below 57 $ES_F range trade and thinking small
Hit and run. always get paid something if u can for taking risk $ES_F will need multiple entries today
Hug the dog and wife and kids if we get 55.5 to 53 as a short $ES_F
Hugging Fido $ES_F
Trailers only below 55.5 if short $ES_F
We need one good trade a day. If had two or three already, playing with house money. Or keep it and go play $ES_F
I would hope the high is in for the day. Not sure it is $ES_F Hug the wife at 53.5
sub 53.5 hug the neighbors wife and dog and kids $ES_F PFS by 53.5
Today’s angel 48.75 so 48/52 zone now the key $ES_F nice trade shorts if got it. Yeehaa day
52 hit mission accomplished all stops down if short $ES_F
Trailers say yeehaa at the gap to 48.75
Say thank you to the generals for backing up the train $ES_F
dont get sloppy now. $ES_F need profit taking
Team #EMWS look at Traders GPS and see cell c14 and c8 for the primary frame I liked $ES_F
I9 and M8 as well as Q11 all significant references. Fibo page cell k17 #EMWS $ES_F
RT @e MBO mode Multiple breakouts. Problem today is +30 already from that 38 breakout Being conservative today, especially long side. $ES_F
run stops on 48 would be a hoot, but tough now. Timing may switch to bulls turn soon $ES_F
The demon is born to test the angel and vice versa. taking a break
using good fortune idea above 58.5 to 62 for longs $ES_F best odds trade done for longs too now
current magnet 59 so both sides have money and if bought support nice day also $ES_F
RT @eminiwizard: run stops on 48 would be a hoot, but tough now. Timing may switch to bulls turn soon $ES_F / timing was right for buy
when time and price agree, give it a shot. Especially if we have some profits willing to risk $ES_F
second entry shorts good fortune below the Hooter at 48 $ES_F
Assuming the morning has been for position squaring and profit taking http://ow.ly/YNy56 $ES_F
RT @eminiwizard: using good fortune idea above 58.5 to 62 for longs $ES_F best odds trade done for longs too now // resistance til broken
RT @e MBO mode Multiple breakouts. Problem today is +30 already from that 38 breakout. Being conservative today especially long side $ES_F
that reflected my bias for favoring shorts this morning $ES_F
Bulls crow the loudest at the highs and bears at the lows http://ow.ly/YNDwp Play the convenient trade is all I know $ES_F
Using time over price is like using just your driver. Why not use a few more tools?Timing, money management, emotional control- J Livermore
RTH Demon is 57 and intact for now Angel test 51.25 $ES_F #EMWS
Convenient trade: Common sense when we wre available to trade. 82 points up this week 166 for month. $ES_F Hope a short or two works today
Get by 43 will be a miracle, let alone 38 today. 29 was big idea and protected by the BOYZ $ES_F
Day shorts will want to cover by EOD yesterday’s high 51 becoming pivotal $ES_F
There has been no significant contra yet today and I expect one by EOD 38 is support until broken, doubt we see it today (retest and t1)
guessing 42/43.75 wont get beat either today $ES_F
10 RTH http://ow.ly/YNQ8o willing to miss some profits, wont be too agg this afternoon. Time to protect profits if any.
RT @eminiwizard: PFS by 02 if long low may be in for day $ES_F sharp bounces come from that 85 support typically first time back /from weds
only as good as our last call (not even) $ES_F good day traders need to understand swing and position as well #EMWS fit the pieces together
15 RTH http://ow.ly/YNS4m $ES_F
heading to the pool shortly while @MissTrade is freezing his buns in snow country. $ES_F thanks all for posts etc have a nice weekend
15 RTH http://ow.ly/YO8hW ss updated for #EMWS keep your $$ if any now advised $ES_F sunny and 75 back to the pool
RT @eminiwizard: guessing 42/43.75 wont get beat either today $ES_F 15 globex http://ow.ly/YOjom Step by step “51 becoming pivotal”
Afternoon high was 51 #kiss $ES_F
RT @eminiwizard: sub 53.5 hug the neighbors wife and dog and kids $ES_F PFS by 53.5 // hugs if played short today http://ow.ly/YOlSz