@MrTopStep @AnneMarieTrades @CorporateCommie @agntanas @thewavetrading @TexasClaudia ditto thank you and nice weekend to all

@verniman @BamaTrader @SJosephBurns @sellputs @nu_forex @SE1_Trading @ROC176 @PivotBoss @tomandprisha thank you and nice weekend to all

a little rebel yell mo mo mo ow.ly/TcOxW #EMWS $ES_F MATD

RT @SE1_Trading: FF @HamzeiAnalytics @FuturesTrader71 @eminiwizard @shenno #futures #trading $$ thank you Malte, back at you #FF

13:39 E just idea of 98 support 14:00 E shorts paid for sure by 2 pm and 98 14:39 E should be little bounce into the close $ES_F

14:58 E could test the 8.75 again 15:03 E key is 2 holding now $ES_F 15:37 E 08 hit and longs get paid #EMWS find the rhythm

RT @RenaTrader: ES traders: #FF @eminiwizard @tradingpoints @BamaTrader @PivotBoss @Nirav777 @MarzBonfire thanks and back at you Renato #FF

RT @casper409: #FF @SJosephBurns @thewavetrading @e @MissTrade @PivotBoss @zspb @FuturesTrader71 @MarzBonfire @Ancient_Warrior @FOREX_VALUER

@casper409 thank you and back at you #FF

@PivotBoss: Great Traders #FF @MrTopStep @FuturesTrader71 @verniman @RenaTrader @e @tomandprisha @marketminute @SunriseTrader @Chicagostock

@PivotBoss thank you Frank, much appreciated back at you #FF

@Ancient_Warrior back at you Sensei #FF