15 minute chart was in play yesterday ow.ly/TCrNe $ES_F

8:03 E magnet at 19.25 has held yet again 8:43 E 31.25 $ES_F 9:47 E buying closer to19 is edge if u want buys 10:19 E i think they bust 28

10:38 E if want highest odds trade it is stay long for 31/32 test 10:42 E volume very low paid done target hit 8:43 E 31.25 big idea 2031.25

11:12 Emini Wizard paid by 24.25 to 22 #EMWS $ES_F

11:36 E 20.5 is the all day angel thinking neutral still 11:55 E trapped lates $ES_F

11:46 E megaphone takes out lows too 12:03 E 18.25 nro not ruled out by eod $ES_F

13:11 E rain line support is 18.75 13:26 E 18/19 test only for believers $ES_F

@MrTopStep nice post 11:11 Emini Wizard 1831 +200 $ES_F focused traders know their levels big, small, and in between

13:49 E get paid for sure first time back to rain line dont think twice tight stop if buy this 18 may take some time to go anywhere $ES_F

15:26 E so be on the lookout for 27/28 as resist but low in and hi too 15:31 Emini Wizard stop 28 $ES_F

08:48 E avoiding sluggish times is important if only going to swing at a few pitches make sureu like them think ted williams discriminate

just a nice quiet range day with 2 head fakes outside ends of overnight range ow.ly/TDW3b $ES_F #EMWS 09:32 E two way day

@shemesht @MarzBonfire @BamaTrader @MrTopStep @Serious_Trader thanks to all #EMWS $ES_F

RT @eminiwizard: 13:11 E rain line support is 18.75 13:26 E 18/19 test only for believers $ES_F // I Believe ow.ly/TEdhO