That’s my problem, haven’t been teeing it up on the green! Back in CT for the summer. Be well Matt
Thanks for insights when it comes to CL and $USD I defer to students of the game like @AnthonyCrudele and @Capt_Tiko
#EMWS Step by step $ES_F
#EMWS Armstrong on the Muni Bond bubble
Niagra Falls never gets old lol
#EMWS If playing for gap PFS by half gap 11.75 to 12.5 $ES_F hit and run
#EMWS S and P range trades more than it trends. Traders who think only one way intraday are at a disadvantage $ES_F
#EMWS Market rarely goes south without a retest $ES_F using gap as pivot, PFS if long
21 gun salute for VIX #EMWS video update $ES_F very quiet for EOM
Thank You
@cardzplaya @Tradn500 @pipsnticks @shemesht @olyaniba @RectorRe @abdulalikon @AnthonyCrudele @BamaTrader @IHBDSB @Capt_Tiko @faaaal @TraderSimon @fithmight @nendaww324 @sanovalxavier8 @kbmt04 @groovelikewllk @WlsDino @costezcorp @NotBlackDammlt @DougWeaver45 @toddlerscholar @JazlynMerle @YealtsJHS706 @@Shae_the_sharky @Tripken @rileytrader414 @Cubby_Blu @zungybungy @MisstTrade @eminiplayer @chigrl @clayidus @DaveL452 Thanks to all, much appreciated