Destiny Fulfilled
Waiting to Enter is LosingSomeday Isle
“Someday I’ll see my target hit” is the mantra of a futures trader.
Living in the future, he guesses target 60 in a gap up Sunday Night.
For those who live in the present moment, mission accomplished and congrats.
The Emini wizard System said squeeze possible above 44. Despite my conservative view some longs will want profits by EOD, meager pullbacks were jammed into the close for our next big target.
Sidelines for Sunday night Open.
Limited Time? Scroll to 9:25 on the video and watch it for ten seconds.
Targets were Destined by the #EMWS
Note to Scott Thursday 11/29 Eminiwizard [11:26 PM] thank you. step by step /2762.5 for me
Live Trading November 12 through November 30 +
Join E in his Live Trading Room November 12 through the 30th from 9:15 to 11:15.
The focus is on finding low-risk, high odds trade ideas
for the E-mini S and P.
No Man is an Island
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.
-John Donne
3:20 E 62.5/ 65 as big resistance #EMWS 🙂
2:31 E target 55/57 NRO by EOD 3:14 stops up if long and strong #EMWS
Afternoon Delight Video : Dynamite Triangle Some bonus time coming next week for our current Live trading group 11:53 Scott: even though I was in zoom for all of about 7 minutes today, I still learned something from you #EMWS Makes my day 🙂
7:01 Zeek using 25 stop again 27.75 is yesterday’s angel 7:13 E 28 support frames the low pb eod #EMWS 10:41 E good fortune above 48 , 50 t2 more important to protect profits now than worry about additional gains if traded the inside day, can relax
Not necessarily nervous as much as it’s prudent for longs to take some profits off the table ahead of G-20. Let winners run, yes, but risk management is also important
Latest Post: Slingshot Trade #EMWS
Dynamite Triangle
The sight of the first woman in the minimal two-piece was as explosive as the detonation of the atomic bomb
by the U.S. at Bikini Island in the Marshall Isles, hence the naming of the bikini.
– Tom Waits
Video Review
We capture videos to help traders who cannot be in attendance to learn our methodologies
from our real time analysis