The Summer Wind

Enjoying Life one day at a time
Summer SpecialE-widget

Reflecting on Life

Some people ask the secret of our long marriage.

We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week.

A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays,

I go Fridays. -Henny Youngman

Easy Rider

In a bit of poetic irony, Let’s play one of the kids favorite games. No peeking at the clues…

Riddle me this:

What did Peter Fonda learn about Bigotry and Hatred through his role in Easy Rider?

Why does the left hate Donald Trump so much?

Why does “Hollywood” support so many humanitarian causes around the world but have a blindspot for our own country?

Extreme Measures

8:22 E consolidation pattern agg longs trying to bounce today retest 35 may take several rotations

Chest Pounders Anonymous

9:28 E dont be too agg short today 32/36 should get tested #EMWS stops up if got the long side

9:58 E wac a mole i believe better odds. matd first hr if lucky, then careful. spread out trades. target 32 by lunch (WRONG) not gung ho long, i just think thats how the boyz play it #EMWS

Latest post : Hangman’s Noose #EMWS

11:32 E when we build a thesis we have a need to prove it is right. (Sway) When we relax and can see BOTH sides of the argument, I believe we can trade more effectively without undue bias #EMWS

trade opportunity every day and forget the fear mongers. We cant plan for a crash everyday. need confidence that we will bail out fast when going the wrong way. Bots have changed the way the game is played Charlie. megaphone consolidation #EMWS

9:38 E matd traders reminder i think wac a mole take gifts 18 is a dime 9:58 E traders who missed yesterday plunge most vulnerable to over trading short today 10:05 E bounces should be hit, even if higher highs 10:20 E 29.25/32 first defense #EMWS

1:23 JL indicators rolling over on this pop. E’s 36 might be all she has today sorry I mean 35.75 1:25 E may get 1 more high, careful of that one longs 1:51 E spreading out trades gives us multiple oppty to win and profit by ebb and flow #EMWS

1:52 Zeek afternoon is about retesting support levels 2:02 E thanks zeek choppy afternoon for a bit then maybe pb by eod 2:29 E lazy bounce trap and squeeze this morning/ lunch. yest bounced afternoon this is 2 way but wac amole need to get back to 28 to put pressure on longs

3:26 PM E i think capture by 28/27.5 and dfd #EMWS

3:47 E beautiful eod slam 32.25 demon 25 the dimer i think this is typical dcb squeeze and fail ok gang enough fun for one day need to go pick up grandkids from camp so dfd now #EMWS

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